Suggestions of programmable DVD brands wanted


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-27-01 AT 07:50AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-27-01 AT 07:48 AM (Est)[/font]

Greetings fitness friends :),

I attempted to go shopping for a DVD player and although I saw many multi disk players, I was not sure whether or not the unit was programmable. The sales clerk was such a dunce, and tried to convince me that such a thing didn't exist, and if they did he would know about it.

You should have seen the way he used senseless technical babble/B.S. in order to proove to me that he was indeed a true expert...I just stood there in disbelief :-rollen.

He then looked at my t-shirt, that had my universtiy major on front (Info systems/Computer Science) and said sarcastically quote "You should know this stuff, your suppose to be a techie". x(

I gave him a really long "Gee, you're really ignorant, I feel sorry for you" stare :-sleepy, laughed, thanked him and left that instant.

Fitness friend, could you suggest brands of DVD players that will allow me to program different workouts? Your suggestions would be so much appreciated :)

Thanks in advanced,
Optimist in Action
Gotta love those sales people!

The good ones at least admit that they're ignorant! I love people who use techno-speak to try to prove that they know what they're taking about when they're actually clueless. :) When I was shopping for mine, there wasn't 1 single sales person who actually knew which, if any, machines would do what I wanted.

The Pioneer DV-C503 is a great machine! It's what I have and it does a bang up job of programming across my Cathe DVDs. The new model coming out is the 603,and the main difference between the 2 is that the 603 has a universal remote. Some Costcos currently have the DV-C503 for $219. I got mine at Best Buy. Others have reported finding it at Sears.

Someone over at Video Fitness said that they got a 5 disk Sony, but I can't remember the model, and they seem to be having technical difficulties this AM, so I can't look it up. I also wasn't clear on whether or not she programed workouts from more than 1 DVD at a time. But if you like the Sony better, you can always get it and take it back if it won't program across DVDs.

You will LOVE having a DVD player for your workouts! I'm counting the days to pre-ordering,and hoping that we'll get the news that PS will go out right away! :) Happy Shopping!

My husband is an IT Specialist etc etc and the salesmen at Circuit City and Sears run and hide when they see him coming. We're on our 3rd or 4th DVD player because he upgrades every year. This year he actually listened to me and bought a model I had read about on a forum. Neither one of us could figure out how to program it (did I mention that dh used to write user manuals? He critiques them all!) so he returned it and purchased the Sony DVP-C660 that he wanted in the first place. It's simple to program and sure comes in handy. After recovering from a sinus infection and bronchitis I programmed warmups from CTX and Cardio Hits and called it a workout. And it was!

We've never had any trouble with anything from Sony. He's already got his eye on a new progressive DVD or whatever they're called. Because of your major you will be very picky about anything electronic!! Hope you find a player you love!

>My husband is an IT Specialist
>etc etc and the salesmen
>at Circuit City and Sears
>run and hide when they
>see him coming.

That's hilarious!! :7

More and more of those DVD players have the Progressive feature on them now, made especially for the purpose of showing in better detail than ever, the beads of sweat running down people's faces as they try to keep up with Cathe in the TV studio gym. You see the electronics companies have been waiting for Cathe's DVDs too. LOL. Most everything Logan and I own in electronics are Sony. You can't go wrong with a Sony. Btw, you shoulda seen Logan sweat the first time I talked him into trying to keep up with me during the CTX and PS workouts on VHS. Cathe, if you read this I'm counting the days till May 1st. :-jumpy
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks

Hi fitness friends, :) I see why Cathe refers to her audience as the "educated crowd". Thanks so much for your suggestions, I've written the various models down, and by the end of the week I hope to finally get my player .

Hey Erin, make sure your husband keeps on keeping those electronic sales folks on their feet ;-) , they need a constant ego check

Thanks again

Optimist in Action
RE: Gotta love those sales people!

I have the Pioneer 503 also, and it is great. I am loving the programming accross DVDs- can't wait for the new DVDs and the amazinng mixes I can do then. It wasn't particularly tough figuring out how to program it. It works pretty logically, but I didn need to print out the cheat sheet that Cathe has to know what was where.
That is what I have Sony DVP-C660. I thought it was hard to figure out how to program it. I followed the manual and it took me couple of days to figure it out. Manual is extremely confusing. Now it takes me only 2 minutes to program it. And trust me I create very elaborate programs. I just love to mix and match different Cathe DVD, chapters and titles. Yeah, and you do need that cheat sheet from the web cite. Otherwise it is impossible to program. I think only Sony and Pioneer produce programmable DVD's. Other companies concentrate more on picture quality than features.


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