Stretched Abdominal Skin...


New Member
I have had three children (the last is 13 months old) and my abdominal skin is stretched out. My stomach is fairly flat but the skin is saggy and I must say, pretty gross. I was wondering if this will ever go away? I am exercising 5 times per week and while I am shaping up this is still there. My husband says that it will just take time, it did go away after baby #2, but the 3rd one seemed to push it over the edge. HELP!!

How did you get it back in shape before?

I hope you get responses from experienced moms who have conquered this after multiple kids. I had my first baby at 33, and am pregnant again 2 yrs later. I never got rid of that stretched out look, and I didn't work too hard at it, as I was planning on having another baby. But once this baby is born, that is it for me - and I want to get my abs back to the best they can be. How did you do it hte last 2 times?
Hi Elaine! I THINK all of us moms are in this together. I have yet to see a mom who doesn't have a hint of the "orange peel" textured skin around the navel area as a result of being pregnant. But the good news is that the abdominal skin will improve and may go so far as to look wonderful and tight in an upright position. But depending very much on how stretched out it has become, it may still stay somewhat saggy regardless of all of your efforts. I know, I know, not exactly the news we want to hear:-(!
That is not the best news that I have heard, but that's ok. My children are definitely worth a little stretched skin that I can hide most of the time. It is actually starting to go back. Weird that after a year it is finally budging, but I am NOT complaining. I got rid of it the past two pregnancies by exercising a lot. I worked out 5-6 times per week, mostly The Firm, but then I discovered Cathe. After doing the PS series and a lot of cardio, the skin seemed to go back. I could still pull it out and disgust all my friends, but standing and in a swim suit it was not noticable. So now I am doing the Cross Train Xpress series and it seems to be helping a lot. Also, I bought some Jergens body lotion with Sea weed in it. It is supossed to help firm up skin, I doubt it works, but using it is not going to hurt so why not???
Thanks for the response

I'll do my best with it. Luckily this pregnancy has forced me to eat super healthY (I can't stomach heavily processed foods, or sticky sweet dense things... my only real 'vice' has been ice cream - yum). If I continue to keep that up, and just go back to building back my fitness level, I will be happy with whatever results I get.

Like you said - the kids are worth it. My grandma had her first at 19 - wonder if the body is more resilient then. I am sure it is. I have read lots of random articles about skin and how it loses the stuff that makes it elastic as you foray through your 30s and beyond, and that probably affects the entire body, not just the face...

Having said that, wouldn't have done anything different :). A big flying hug from that 2yo of mine is worth a billion times more to me than flat and taut skin.

RE: Thanks for the response

As a mom of 6; youngest at 9 months, I would say that the skin is never EXACTLY hte same! However, it takes me about 18 months b4 I feel like it is "presentable. I can still wear the jeans and t's hta expose a little flesh and have even been known to wear a sports bra and shorts to exercise in without making people run from the room! Just give yourself some time and I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised that he elasticity of your skin will come back. It will probably look better than most of the women you know who don't bother to exercise!!!

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