stomach problems


Do any of you ever have trouble with stomach problems? It seems
the healthier I try to eat the worse I feel. My stomach bloats
up all the time. I feel the best when I have gone all day with
out eating. I know this is not healthy at all, so there is always this conflict between my mind and my stomach about what to do. I have been to two doctors who just say it is IBS and figure out what works best for me. I hate this. It is very difficult to work every day.
Me,me,me!!! I had so much stomach troubles that I went to the doc eating healthy. I was diagnosed with acid reflux. I had an upper gi(knocked out) I still deal with a lot of gas and have to watch what I eat. I would check with your doc if you are feeling unsetled.

Oh and yes after a week after that I could not put much in my mouth. I lost 5 pounds in one week. But I took my medicine and everything is back to normal.
I deal with this as well- ALL THE TIME! I want to becaome an aerobics instructor, but man, I have so much gas all the time and bloatedness that I don't know how I will be able to do it! My stomcah feels just the same as yours when I haven't eaten- HEAVENLY!! It doesn't matter if I just eat a cracker, I get gas. I hope anyone who has gone thru this will help
Oh man ... I'm so sorry for you ladies. I had my gall bladder removed and before that I had a cast iron stomach. Nothing bothered me ... now everything bothers me. Not the same symptoms as you but my digestive system gets overloaded extremely easy and will stop processing foods. It will dump bile into my digestive tract ... talk about pain!

So I really feel for you ... go see the doctor and see if they can do something for you. If not, try beano to see if that provides some relief. I know for me, I will never be able to eat anything with fruit in it at all. It breaks down too quickly in my system and throws my digestive system into shut down mode. It's awful!

Please see the doc and see what they can do to help manage this issue.

Keta. :D

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I turn down so many fun activities because of my problem. It is just really difficult to get through each day. I dread lunch meetings and sports activities with meal plans with them. The doctors have no answer since all test came back fine, just IBS
made worse by stress. (like this isnt stressful, worrying all the time) I hope we can get some help also.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-02 AT 01:23PM (Est)[/font][p]My husband has just gone through this. Started having digestive problems in May & it escalated quickly. His was triggered by a new food sensitivity - lactose in dairy products. He has also eliminated citrus foods. He's in the experimental stage of determining what he can have. A little hard cheese on pasta is fine, a muffin made with buttermilk also ok. No ice cream! Hopefully he can add citrus back to his diet. The good news is that he feels like a new man. Says he has HBS (for happy bowels)., the Mayo Clinic website & ivillage were all helpful. Look up irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) & irritated bowel syndrome (worse). His Dr. was helpful & ran some tests in case the food sensitivity wasn't the problem. Her approach was to eliminate the most likely dietary triggers before moving on to some uncomfortable testing. I've heard quite a few stories of misdiagnosis or no diagnosis.

After dairy & citrus (the acid), gluten intolerance is another frequent source of IBS.

Good luck in finding a resolution.

I just reread the responses. Frequent small meals are one of the IBS management techniques.
I was just diagnosed with IBS, too. The IBS websites don't want to give you the real info, they just want you to buy their book. So I went to Amazon to check out the books available, and they all sound like good books, so I ordered a couple of them. One of them is "What can I eat if I have IBS?" When it gets here I'm just going to eat what it says to eat. I've already cut out dairy (3 days ago) and it hasn't helped at all. My condition seems worse since I was diagnosed last week, probably because now I think about it all the time. I'm getting really depressed about this because I think I'm going to have to give up everything I enjoy eating and drinking. They say it's not a hopeless condition. All we have to do is change our diet and we'll feel like normal people again. I hope they're right.
I have trouble too! I have IBD-Ulcerative Colitis, and I get bloating and gas after I eat too. This seems to only happen Mon-Fri while I'm at work. It doesn't happen on weekends. Guess what? I eat low fat and healthy during the week and relax it on the weekends. Salads really get me, but I like to eat them for lunch (I make sure I don't have an after lunch meeting on salad days). I think the bloating is caused by all the fiber and the gases from the vegetables. I also like to eat cereal like Kashi for little snacks. I don't know what the answer is, but I know that raw vegetables bloat me.
Hi Maureen! I have the same problem, plus cramps after eating. I have lactose intolerance, so I use soymilk, although that seems to be causing bloating lately too. I use lactaid, but it only helps to a point with dairy.

The one thing that has helped me the most is what I call the "White Diet." (White bread, pasta, white rice, potatoes.) I know these things are considered unhealthy, but any amount of fiber really irritates my digestive tract. You really have to experiment to find what works for you. Mangoes and bananas seem to agree with me. I also take 1200 mg calcium per day.

These things have improved the bloating, but based on the number of people I've talked to with the same problem, nothing we've found so far has gotten rid of it entirely. Good luck!
Thanks everyone for your replies. I have cut out dairy, and I am going to try sugar this week. I will check out that website, any other ideas let me know. Thanks again.
Hi Maureen,

I also suffer from stomach problems. I find that taking chewable papaya enzyme tablets are effective as well as drinking papaya mint tea after meals. You can find both of these items at GNC or any health food store.

Hope it helps!!

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