Still have not heard from Customer Service!


Active Member
Hi everyone....well I am getting nervous, I posted yesterday that I was sent the wrong DVD, well I left 2 messages at the 800 number, which is frustrating that you can't talk to someone with the company when you have a problem...I have also left 2 e-mails at Support, and have not heard anything yet....This is not good...I was happy to hear all of the positive experiences with because I really want to order more DVD's, but if this is how her customer service works, I am not so sure I would order again if I don't hear from them soon..Especially when you spent fifty dollars on the DVD' is a major investment, I hope I hear something!!! ....Stacey
Hi Stacey,

The 1-800 number is just an answering service. Your e-mails were just posted either yesterday or today so don't panic just yet. I'm sure that with everything going on their response time is slower. Be a little patient. If you find that this company is not to your liking, then there is nothing wrong with taking your business elsewhere. But, I gave them a chance and have not been disappointed. I don't know how to help, except to say I can understand your disappointment with not being able to do this workout.

Hope you resolve this soon,
I told you I had sent them two emails before i got a response. Maybe they have a small staff therefore they are slower to respond. Be patient. They won't let you down.

Hi Stacey again:). Please just be a little more patient. I think because of the "Hard Core Series" coming soon they may be a little behind. Believe me you are not out of $50 bucks. They will get back to you. Hope I ease you mind a little:).
I have ordered many, many times and if I have a problem, I have ALWAYS had a positive response. The customer service is great! I do think that they are extremely busy with the new series coming out, so be patient. They have always, always! made any of my problems (which were very few!) just fine! So wait a little while! I think it will be fine!

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