Steve Sabados, the Designer Guys


I'm just wondering if anyone out there knows his profile such as age, marital status (is he gay?) etc. All I can find is how he succeeded in what he does but I'm dying to know more!

Cant really help you because their website doesnt give away too much either, but I would like to think of "them" as a "couple"

Their so sweet and funny

Its an entertaining 30min to "veg out on the couch for"

I saw an interview with them once where that question was asked and one of them responded with "Who has time for relationships?" and they bantered about and when they were done joking around they hadn't really answered the question!
Wow! They were actually asked if they were "gay"?

Why is it that no one askes if you are "hetrosexual" orrrrrrrrrrrr why ask at all?

Must be the "stereo typical" thing happening we have with male Interier Designers or male hairdressers

Good on them for avoiding the question

I still think both are cute or not


>They weren't asked directly if they were gay. They were
>asked if they were a couple.

Well, that's pretty much the same question, isn't it??
:p Well I guess it is. It just seems more polite to say "Are you a couple?" instead of the in-your-face "Are you gay?" ...But as I think about it (and maybe I should think BEFORE I type) in a way it is extremely different. Asking "Are you a couple?" starts from the assumption that everyone already knows they are gay, don't you think?


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