Step lovers talk to me


I have been doing Cathe weight workouts, Kick Punch & Crunch and Cardio Kicks for over a year now in combination w/ P90X and Powerstrike workouts.

I have a fear of the step though. I am becoming less and less challenged by P90X's Plyo and my kickboxing workouts. I would like to try Cathe's step workouts but I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up with the moves. Is it possible to get good at these without being very coordinated? What step tape would be good and hard but not contain too terribly complicated moves?

I workout in my basement, so the high step is out of the question. They could only be regular step workouts.
You can do it. I'm totally uncoordinated (I'm the only person I know who trips UP stairs instead of down), but Cathe's a great teacher & the step routines build upon themselves. Not that you'll get it right away--even now, after doing Cathe's tapes for 7-8 years & being used to her style, I have to do a new tape at least twice before I get most of it. But that's part of the fun, getting those moves down.

I think Maximum Intensity cardio is her most basic step workout, so you could try that before moving into the more advanced choreography.
Caren, I was so uncoordinated when I first bsgan stepping it was pitiful. But I started out with easy choreography (Step Reebok w/Gin), Karen Voight and Kathy Smith) and worked my way to more complex, like Cathe!. My first real complex was Christi's Still Steppin (a couple years ago). I quit after the first attempt. But a month later I took it out and was determined to learn it because it really looked fun. By the 4th try I finally mastered it. If you are determined you will get it. I would start out with easy choreography. If you want to try Cathe step, I would suggest Cardio and weights because she repeats each routine 6 times. Also Bootcamp is fun and there isn't really and choreography to master. You also don't need the high step for that workout. Her Step Max, which is older is pretty basic as well. Hang in there, and be patient with yourself!:) Oh, and good cuing is the key to success with stepping. Cathe is very good at cuing so, it makes it easier to master.
The easier step workouts of cathe's to start out with are Step heat and Step Fit. If you master these two, you will have the basics down of cathe's step choreography and then you can progress to Power max and Step Works. Then tackle Step blast and Rythmic Step which feature more complex choreography.

Cathe is nowhere near as complex and dancy as Christi taylor. You can do it!!!

I never thought I would enjoy a step workout, but after doing Cathe's I love them! A tough workout that has very basic, short blasts of using the step is IMAX 1 (or IMAX 2 now that I think of it)...however, it is an interval workout that uses the step, rather than a full step workout...but it would be a good intro to the step while keeping the intensity up there.!
Hi there! The reason I love Cathe's videos so much is because she's so easy to follow and teaches soo well. Her moves are more athletic rather than dancey but soooo much fun. I love them all.I also work out in my basement on a bench my hubby built. It's just over 7" and it works just fine( I'm 5'6). IMAX 1 is a relatively easy one to get but hard to do as far as she works you thoroughly!!
I really hope you decide to try one of her staep tapes out- you don't know what you are missing! Susan
I rarely post but just had to disagree with the Step Fit suggestion. I have heard people say over and over again that there are parts of this workout they never did get! I started with How to Get in Shape for Your Wedding and really loved it, however it might not be enough of a challenge for you, and it's definitely dated. I would agree with Cardio and Weights or IMAX 2. Hey, they come on one DVD, too! Still my favorite form of cardio. If I fall off the fitness wagon, a step workout is the first thing I pull out to get me back on! Good luck!
Why not try the MIS which is high intensity,and you get Hi Lo and Step, but I don't think the choreography is to hard. Step Fit is a good moderate step workout IMHO. I started with Power Max and Body Max, Cathe workouts. I already had been doing other Step workouts. When I first started with step workouts though, one of the things I loved was I got an intense workout without using a lot of floor space. Some of them do take up more room. Also if you like High intensity, the Cardio of High Step Training DVD is simple and an awesome workout.
DIane Sue.
Diane Sue
Many of the people here know how uncoordinated I am:( BUT I have learned to step...more importantly, I have learned to step with Cathe! It's great fun, even for klutzes. After awhile it seems...almost easy! Now where have I heard someone say that before? Hmmmm...could it be Cathe during the DREADED biceps portion of PUB? LOL
Getting back to the subject (sorry)...I think most of the old ones are about equal in learning, although the Wedding Tape is maybe a little easier than most.
Also, what about the new DVD, Basic Step? It is TRULY basic & you would certainly be able to learn some of the basics with it. You could also rev it up later on if you wanted to and add some intensity.
First try the old dvd of cathe like step fit or MIC. The step is easier on them. I still having problems with rithmic step but not with step blast or SJP. I am a two left feet but making a little modifications, I have to do changes in IMAX 2, you will be able to do the cathe step. You can use the step of cardio and weights because it is easy and fun with an awesome music like the song little less coversation little more action.
Thanks everyone for all these great suggestions. I will definitely be picking up some or all of these tapes!

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