Step and my knee



Just needing to vent. I've had a nagging feeling that step is what usually makes my knee twingey. I haven't been doing it much as I have been training for a 10K. But tonight I pulled out Rhythmic Step and lowered my board to 4". And yep, the knee started twinging again.

It seems weird that running doesn't bother my knees at all...although I only run 3 days a week. But it's a bummer because as much as I like running and spinning, step is more of a fun workout. Like dancing! I hope my stepping days aren't totally over. I know there is always hi/lo and kickboxing. I enjoy those too, but not to the extent I enjoy step. And hi/lo just plain stinks on carpet!!!

.......sigh.....I keep thinking as I get older the only thing I'm gonna be able to do is yoga, and so far I just can't get into yoga AT ALL.


I have the same problem I have been doing Circuit Max, Cardio Kicks and MIC. I tried Rhythmic Step and it really hurt my knee because I couldn't do it my knee really hurt. But I find with CM and MIC that because of all the Hi/lo work you do before you get on the step I find it really warms up my knee and it is a lot better.

I find IMO that Rhythmic Step really work my legs so I may have to "retire" it for a while.

Hello Andrea,

I seem to have the opposite problem. I started running about 2 months ago and was training for a 10K, but my knees (well, both my legs actually) suffered. I went running and the day after I am just so sore that I couldn't do another run the following day. I hope that this problem is temporary and is due to the fact that I am a novice runner still. I find that if you do weight training where there is no impact and lots of squatting then that really helps, because the day after that my legs are almost well again.

Yen, I almost always put at least one day between runs. Otherwise it would probably be too much for my knees too. But, I do know running really bothers some people's knees.

Babs, I wonder if it is all the twisting in RS that bothers your knee? The moves aren't quite as sports oriented as CM, MIC, and CK.

Hello Andrea,

Yeah, why do we have to do that? I have been looking at running sites and all the training runs are at least 5 times a week (especially if they are training for a marathon or something). I would like to up my running but I think the only way I can do that is to run on a treadmill in the gym. I just don't want to pay gym membership though.

I wonder if I will ever be at the level where I can run daily???

Hi Andrea

I actually first started having problems after having a mymomectomy I was told that the surgery can throw your pelvis out of alignment. I couldn't walk up or down stairs very well for over a year but exercising helped, but then I few months ago I fell down an escalator at a tube station which didn't help.

Before that when doing PS SLA my knee kept popping I did a search here and started taking Gluscamine which has really helped. I think you are right about RS as my knee really hurts doing it I may have to build up doing total step work outs (I'm fine with IMAX don't do plyo scissors or power jump moves I modify).

I'm odd person out on this too in a way. I can't run/racewalk too many times a week or my left knee gets bad. TWINGIE as can be. I even have to limit treadmill workouts to not more than 2 a week. Step (thank God) on the other hand is not an issue.

I think it depends on the specific area of a persons knee they are having problems with that causes them to have more troubles with either step or running and racewalking. There are so many diagnosis's one can have with the kneee as it's a complex joint.


Check out He recommends only running 3x a week and has lots of training schedules on his site. I just ordered his book from Got a great price since there were used ones. I also read an article of his (at I think) where he stated he does one long, slow run, one moderate shorter run, and one speed or hill session a week.

He also recommends walk breaks which I will be playing around with as I train for a half marathon. I trained for my 10K tomorrow with 3-4 runs a week.

Rhythmic Step is the only Cathe tape that really bothers my knees and feet. I know why. My workout space is really limited and I have to make sharp twists and turns when walking around the step. Since I live in an apartment with neighbours above and beside me, I have yoga mats on the floor to muffle the sound of my feet, so it's very difficult to "pivot" without bunching up the mats.

By the way, does anybody besides me hate that last shuffle lengthwise on the step? I am constantly tripping myself as my bulbous Ryka's rub together.


P.S. Can't even get myself started with Yoga. I bought Ali MacGraw's tape years ago and still haven't tried it. One of these days!
I did Rhythmic Step last night and was just thinking how much I enjoy that tape...except for that shuffle! When I was doing the Rhythmic Challenge portion I actually tripped over my step and fell right on the ole' caboose! I'm glad my kids and husband were outside because they would have had a good laugh.
Nope don't like the shuffle either! I was wondering if it's cause I'm pretty tired by the time that shuffle comes along and I just can't get my feet up, but it sounds like other's have this problem too. Love the rest though!!

RE: Yen


Thanks for the information. I have pretty much been doing 2-3 runs a week. At first there wasn't a problem until after my first 10K. Then I really felt pain and had to rest for a day. Now I just do a weight session on my day off if I can.

The weather is getting colder and darker as the we move into winter and I am not keen on running in the cold and rain.

I think I will stick with Cathe for the winter months and run whenever I can (definitely not the attitude of a runner eh?).

That's just it! At the point when the shuffles come in, I have the energy to do more! I always have more energy in the home stretch, possibly because I know the end is near and want to give it my all. But those shuffles bring me to a grinding halt -- they're too persnickety. Guess I'll just have to find a move to replace them.


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