
I Live in Denver and I am a bronco fan but would like to congratulate all of you on the Steelers. The broncos played like crap today and the steelers deserved the win. IT WASN'T EVEN A CONTEST! I will be rooting for your team in the super bowl!


Bronco fan in Arizona here...Congrats to the Steelers. They brought their "A" game all the way. I wish them the best in the Super Bowl.

I'm a Patriots fan, but hey, if the Pats can't go to the Superbowl, I'm glad Pittsburgh is, so GOOOO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!

It's been raining so much in Seattle, maybe the Seahawk fans are too soggy to cheer...
Big Steeler fans here too. DH was screaming and got up from his recliner and screamed some more right in front of tv! He is so excited and the rest of us are too. DD wore her Steelers jersey to school today. I think my son forgot. LOL! All I can say is "WOW..they are going to the Superbowl"!!!! The Bus will be able to play in the Superbowl in his own hometown. That is just going to be so friggin' cool for him!!!! YEAH!!!!


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