Star in yoga


Active Member
Hello: I'm want to star doing some yoga. Could anybody help me decide wich DVD should I star?. And If there is any package with diferent levels?
I know yoga is a totally diferent thing from what Cathe does. ( I'm a medium to advance exersice.)
Thank you .
I've recently been researching different styles of Yoga too and never realized how many differences there are. My interest is in combining the relaxation benefits of Yoga with building strength and muscle. Ashtanga or Power Yoga was what I found could give me those benefits. This is the style of Yoga Madonna practices.

I'm still very new to it and still learning. The website I eventually ordered my DVDs from is if you'd like to check it out.

Good luck in finding a Yoga style that works for you!
I guess it depends a lot on what you want out of yoga. Ashtanga is a set of moves that consist of the primary series, secondary series and so on. They are very challenging. The primary series is near impossible for most people. And after that is the secondary series!! LOL. If that is where your interest lies, I would start out with a power yoga (which is based on ashtanga) video instead. When those become easier, I would move on to Ashtanga. My recommendations on that front are:

Bryan Kest Power Yoga Vols 1, 2 or 3....they're all fairly similar, so I wouldn't worry about which one is more difficult although 3 is slightly more difficult.

Eoin Finn Power Yoga for Happiness (PY4H) - touchy-feely but fun and has different levels shown (beg/int/adv).

Ali McGraw Yoga Mind & Body - don't be turned off by Ali McGraw...she actually doesn't do anything but an intro and actually participate. This is a beautifully filmed video that is not impossible for newbies but is definitely challenging. Not really power yoga...but I still highly recommend this video.

Rodney Yee - I love Yoga for Energy (but this has zero instruction so it's not necessarily appropriate for beginners). He has a range of videos that appeal to different levels. I also love Yoga for Intermediates which features a couple of inverted poses...handstand, shouldstand and headstand done up against a wall. In ashtanga, they don't offer that.

David Swenson - Short Forms covers three workouts 15 min, 30 min and 45 min as well as a relaxation section. The 30 min one is for newbies and can be accessible.

Other people like Baron Baptiste and Yoga Zone.
LOL! I thought you wanted to "star" in Yoga, like "star" in a video or something. DUH. I guess that is how it seemed at first until I figured out you meant START.:)

Other than that I have NO input. I have many specialties, but Yoga sure is not one of them!:) Good Luck.


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