That's the popular term for a group class on stationary bikes.
It's set to music and the instructor generally leads the class in various positions--standing, sitting, slid back on the seat, "jumps" (forward and back), speed drills, and strength work (slow and heavy). Some classes use heart rate monitors, others just cue speed and tension. The bikes have a tension knob or other device on them. Class is usually between one to one and one-half hours.
I love these classes..kick my butt. I also understand there are video and audio tapes you can buy if you have a stationary bike at home.
:) Hope that helps and I didn't misstate anything there.
Indoor stationary cycling led by certified spinning instructors. There are other programs by different certifications. Spinning is a trademark of Johnny G. I forget which bikes are used but they are very smooth ones. I absolutely love the way spinning is done at my gym. It's in a small studio with the front and both sides having mirrors...the flooring and back wall is wood pannels and we have 3 spotlights on the instructor. They turn the lights down and it sets the mood for loud music. No one outside gets to see us unless they peer through the glass door and that's not easy since the lights are really low. I love it. Regulars usually have gotten to know each other since we all started fat and lost a lot of weight real quick through the classes and we have our own favorite instructors. We come in dri-fit shirts and cycling shorts and the clipless shoes...all of which you need to survive.
Not to mention the water bottles and towels. They hold spinathons and sometimes by popular requests 1-2 hour programs. I like that our instructors dont go overboard and try to kill you...or dont go all hokey with visualization and drama of "being one with the bike and the road" crap. They are just a good bunch of guys who want to get some kick butt cardio in there. I like that 3 of them are guys, they are calmer and they dont talk too much...most of the female ones wont shut up. Dont know why they think talking non stop would be motivating...? Anyway, it's intense fun low impact cardio!!!

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