Spinervals fans....... HELP!

Vickie C.

I purchased a spinning bike this summer, and I have been doing the Johnny G videos that came with it. (Spin and Burn, Spin and Slim, and Spin and Sculpt). I am thinking of buying the spinnervals "fitness" series, and I was wondering if anyone can tell me how they compare to the Johnny G tapes. Are the Johnny G tapes really easy compared to spinnervals, and when did you know you were ready for the "competition" series from spinnervals? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Vickie
I don't have the Johnny G, so I can not compare, but I love the spinerval DVD's. Coach Troy really pushes you. Go to their site and read the composition of each workout and then go from there. The earlier spinervals did not incorporate a spinning bike, I think it was incorporated around 8.0, not sure. Go to the site, look @ the cover, if it incorporates the spinning bike it will state Lemond on it. For me, it does not matter, but the newer ones does let you know the tension of the spinning bike, etc. Also, once you see what you want, go to http://www.nashbar.com/index.cfm

Nashbar sells the spinerval DVD's cheaper and go to this site for continuous discounts on bike, DVD's, etc.


Hi Vickie! I don't have the Johnny G's but I love Spinervals and they are challenging! I have 2 fitness, several from competition and then 2 of the Ultras. If you love circuit training the ultras are excellent (I have 1.0 and 3.0). On these you get off the bike and do some weight work/leg work whatever. Also, you don't have to move from fitness to competition. In the fitness series, I love Lean and Mean (Brenda from Cathe's workouts is in it) and Enter The Red Zone. All of the Spinervals are different lengths and difficulty levels. Some are interval type workouts and some are endurance - they're all different. The shortest workout I have is 45 minutes and there is one that's 3 hours. Most that I do are 60 - 90 minutes.

Anyway I agree with Chi-Town; go to their site and read the descriptions. For some of the older workouts you have to guess what tension to use as he only refers where to have the big chain and small chain rings. My favorites all have spin bikes in them however. (Of course my favorites change on a regular basis.)

My current favorites are:

Lean and Mean
Ultra Conditioning Leg Strength Builder
Ultra Conditioning Iron Girl
Muscle Breakdown
Aero base 17

Hope this helps a little. :)

I also want to add, in case this helps you with considering level of difficulty in comparing to Johnny G's. I use to be a hard core runner and cannot run as much as I use to due to a knee issue. With Spinervals, I feel I get the equivalent level of cardio I used to get from running with the added benefit that I can really work on leg strength. The interval workouts are killer!


I've been doing "Spinervals" for 15 years now.I started with the CycleRobx VHS tape that came with my trainer. Some are harder than others and all can be modified to do at a lower intensity. They do list a suggested tension on the spin bike, but if that's too much, then you can go lower. The great thing about spinning is that it's as much or as little of a work out as you want. I'll sometimes pop in a Spinervals DVD and just coast through it when I want an easier workout. Other times I go all out. It's really up to you. So, will they be too hard for you? Absolutely not! They're great workouts!
Thank you so much for all of your suggestions, I actually started spinning because of a foot injury, it took a while for me to adjust, but I'm starting to enjoy it.


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