South Beach Diet?


anyone have results following this plan with Cathe's workouts? DH and i are thinking of doing SB to jump start our Spring fitness goals. cathe can you suggest a protein supplement? do you use any supplements? i'm overwhelmed by all of the choices and could use some guidance. my main goal is 40 lb weight loss and fat loss. have already lost 30 lbs, but now looking to get more disciplined and really get toned/build muscle/burn fat. any tips/recommendations from the cathe-ites out there would be great!
I don't do 'diets' per se...but I have read the South Beach diet book and it does have alot of very useful information. Read the book before you embark on the diet plan...don't just turn to the diet plan section and jump in. :)
I had great success with South Beach 3 years ago. I was about 30 pds overweight and I followed the menu plan in the book and lost about 6 pds in the first week. What great is you see success quickly which keep you motivated. I don't follow it to a "T" anymore but follow the prinicples and but of course with Cathe's video have not put it back on.

Good luck


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