South Beach Diet - Adaptations for Active Lifetstyles/M...


I bought the SBD book, read it and am ready to begin tomorrow. I am looking to lose about 10 pounds (yes, those "last" 10 pounds) and I wanted a change. I am a healthy eater already. In fact, I currently eat very similar to phase three. I work out about 5 or 6 days per week, either Cathe, Firm or Fitprime workouts.

My question is, for those that work out frequently, did you find that you needed to add something more to your diet to sustain your workouts? And if so, what foods worked for you?

And of course, any other words of wisdom for the plan would be appreciated. I have read most of the commentary in the older posts already.

Thanks guys!

I have read the book. From what I remember reading, since you have just a few pounds to lose, I think he recommends starting with Phase 2, although he does tell people who have gotten off the plan and gained a few pounds back that they can return to Phase 1 for a week and then go to Phase 2. For anyone that is exercising, he recommends eating complex carbs 2 hours prior to the workout and having some carbs after the workout. I found that when following Phase 1 - especially the 1st few days I was too tired to do much of anything - much less workout. So I would definitely recommend adding something to the plan to fuel your workouts. HTH.

~Sissy B

From THE SOUTH BEACH DIET, p. 93 "Before a sustained workout (longer than 90 minutes), it may help to eat some low-glycemcic carb, such as low-fat yogurt, oatmeal or pumpernickel bread. Eat is at least 2 hours before exercising so you'll have a good supply of carbohydrates to give you an energy boost. After exercise you need to replenish glycogen fuel stores. You may allow yourself white bread or potatoes at this time."

Since Cathe's workouts are so intense, I would follow the above pre-workout recommendation even if I was not exercising for 90 minutes. However, I personally would probably select something else for the post-workout snack/meal.
I hope you have better luck with it than I did. Like you, I had that "last 5-10" to lose and I already was eating healthy and working out every day. I think Dr. A. has some good principles and he's right on the mark about too much simple carbohydrates, but his phase I put me into ketosis and I just felt exhausted. It did drop a few lbs, but I was so tired it wasn't worth it. I teach 2 classes a week, and I was genuinely worried that I couldn't get thru them so after a week I added some fruit and whole wheat bread. It really bothered me that this phase I was so faulty though, so after that I pretty much abandoned the diet. I think a modified version would suit an active, healthy person who doesn't have a bunch of white bread and suger to remove from their diet in the first place. Now, exactly how that modified diet would look, I'm not sure...maybe phase II but I can't remember right now how much complex carbs it allows and it still may not be enough.
Interesting question because I really want to do this again, and was thinking about starting something with my modifications tomorrow. Please share what you decide to do and how it goes.


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