Sooo hungry!


Hi Everyone -

I have been working out more regularly for the past few weeks and really trying to tighten up on my diet. I have been following a 40-30-30 diet plan where I eat three meals and day and one snack in the afternoon and one at night. I don't really count calories, but if I had to guess, I would say that I eat around 2000-2200 a day, if not more.

Here is my question. I have been STARVING all of the time between meals and snacks. I feel like maybe my metabolism is revving up (which is good obviously) but I don't want to mess up my progress by eating too much. I have been having protein with every meal to feel full longer, but it has not worked. I have been trying to listen to my body and have a few bites of a zone bar when I feel famished in between meals, but this is still not enough and I end up eating the whole bar.

I am basically at my goal weight and just want to get more muscle definition, which I know diet plays a huge part in. Am I messing up my progress by eating in between meals and snacks, or should I listen to my body and just eat when I feel hungry. 2500 calories or more a day just don't not seem like a good idea! Should I have more snacks a day? So confused!

Thanks for any advice.

- Diane
Try some roughage. I'm changing up my diet too, and some people on this forum suggested I eat more fresh greens - as in big salads using any type of green except iceberg lettuce! Put good stuff on it like nuts, fruit, whatever. I'm really quite surprised at how much longer it keeps me full. And it's nice and low in calories, and tastes pretty darned good, too.
I recently changed up my diet and cut out all processed food. I have been a lot hungrier. I've been eating salads and more fruit to keep me satisfied.
I would also increase fiber intake. They hold lot longer than simple carbs.

My favorite snacks when I have hungry attack are mix of high fiber cereals, nuts and some dry fruits.
Thanks for the advice. I typically eat a salad for lunch since that is one of the only healthier choices eating out for my lunch break at work. I usually add chicken and healthy fats such as avocado or almonds. I should try and add more veggies and make sure I don't have iceberg lettuce.
Hey Diane,

How do you know how many calories you should be eating? I too was always hungry atarting last week and bumped my calories up to about 1900 a day. I don't actually count every day just one day I wrote down what I ate and the calories and they came out to 1900 and that was the day I increased my eating. I eat healthy and clean but I don't know that I eat enough.

Also here are some snack suggestions; Kashi crunch cereal (high in fiber very filling), egg white scrambled egg (3 egg whites equal 1 egg), celery with peanut butter. Too much fruit (more than 3 a day) can have too much sugar and turn into fat. I was snacking on apple (second fruit of the day) and peanut butter and switched to celery.

Hope this helps.

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