Son born Oct 22, 2006


Hey everyone. . must say I LOVE this site. I just had my first baby Matthew Charles on Oct. 22, 2006 by emergency c-section. I had pre-eclampsia and he had to be taken. However I feel great and want to start exercising, I know that I've been told not to by many different people, but I feel great. I'm not having any pain or discomfort. Does anyone know what can happen if I do exercise? Is there risks or is it just said not to because it was considered a surgery? I worked out religiously throughout the entire pregnancy, even on the day I had by sweetheart. Any and all imput is always greatly appreciated!. . . THANK YOU
CONGRATS!!! I had my twins on October 22nd, too! (C-section!!) And, my little boy's middle name is also Charles!!! My doctor told me that I can start light walking, but nothing major for two weeks. After the two weeks, you will go back to the doctor so they can check your progress. I know there should be no lifting for about 4-6 weeks...which stinks.
I have my appt. on Weds, so if I find anything out, I will post again.


Thank you for responding, what a small world. . . I go into the doctor tomorrow so I'll ask again. Hopefully I'll get the green light but I doubt it. Thanks again!

I had my appt and my doctor gave me the go ahead to start working out again...2.5 weeks after c-section. He said I can start some high impact and weights (lightly) and if anything feels bad...stop. He also said I could take baths again! YEAH! So, hopefully your appt was as good as mine. I am still questioning all this extra skin and praying it will go away, too!

Thank you again for the info. . .it's so helpful especially when you don't know anyone who has children. I started working out this week as well, and am trying not to go too crazy. I haven't done one of Cathes videos yet. . I did spin an interval training class, and a step class today.. . I did pretty well, but still want to be careful. Are you going to try lower abs or what do you think. I've only done traditional situps so far out of fear I'll hurt or something inside will happen. I know what you mean about the extra skin, mine has just started going down this week and seems to be deflating each day. . .Thanks again

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