something of an update



Hi, everybody. It's been a while since I last posted, but I wanted to let you know what's going on. The last time I was here, I was ranting and raving about how the levels of formality on wedding books put my finacee and I squarely in the informal group. I printed your answers and showed them to my fiancee. Up to that time, he wanted to do everything by the book. After reading what you'd sent to me, he realized how important it was to do something because it was meaningful to you, not because you were supposed to. I have to thank you guys a lot.

I still haven't chosen a dress, but I've been out looking three times. The strange thing is, each time I went, it was because my honey wanted to go! I didn't think guys would be interested in something like that!

I've narrowed down what I want. A sleeveless ballgown in white. I was thinking about lavender or pale blue, but my honey has told me I look beautiful in white. Since I want him to like my dress as much I do, white it will be. I probably won't have a train, but definitely a catherdral length veil. To heck with the wedding police!

I know that there are wedding web sites where I can post this kind of stuff, but I've been lurking here so long :) that I feel comfortable talking to you about it. You guys are great!

Good for you!!

I did what I wanted for my wedding even though people told me it was "not traditional" and me and my hubby really cherish our wedding pics and our day. I gave into my hubby also on color I had a white dress but he wanted lavendar and I wanted a more vivbrant purple. Lavendar it was. It was beautiful
! BTW, my nickname was Littlebit for 6years at a place I used to wotk. Are you short like me? I'm 5'1" and 106lbs.
"Good for you!!"

Many, many, many, many moons ago! When I was in high school, I was a skinny little thing(I'm 5'6)and my former brother-in-law called me little bit. If I were to buy my dress now, it would be a 14. My goal is a 10. I've got to tighten up on my workouts, and I've decied to start with HOW TO GET IN SHAPE FOR YOUR WEDDING. I don't think anything else could be more fitting!
Welcome Back!

Just wanted to say it's good to see you posting again and to HAVE FUN on your special day! Also, you will love the Wedding video. It is fun and a super w/o! When is your wedding? Good Luck with your goals.

What a good Honey you have!

I'm shocked that your honey wanted to go DRESS SHOPPING! That is soooo great. I had to pick dresses out of a magazine, find out what stores carry that line, show him the picture and then beg him to go with me!! (His defense was that he just wanted me to be happy and to pick the dress I wanted!) Not much I could argue with there!
I'm so glad you are working towards the wedding you both want, and The Wedding Video will be alot of fun while you're still planning! Cathe is great about throwing in comments to motivate you about the big day!! Good Luck!
Untraditional weddings!

I'm so glad to hear that someone else is getting married and not following "the rules!" My husband and were married outside at our house, which was just a shell then. It was a gorgeous October day. We had tents for the food and the dancing. We even wrote our own vows, based on a Mark Twain passage! My husband wrote two songs for me and sang them. Then his band played and everyone danced until the wee hours of the morning. We even had a bonfire! And guess what? Everyone wore their jeans! Our pictures are amazing. I wore a winter white sweater dress. Sorry, I am waxing rhapsodic. I'll quit. Just wanted to share!
Hi littlebit

Just had to share our experience - I've just been married seven months - and we had a very short engagement, since we were both 39, didn't feel the need for a long engagement. I didn't have much time, not to even order a dress, found a beautiful one right off the rack, planned a cozy ceremony and reception at a beautiful old mansion in town (Raleigh, NC), just the way we wanted. Well, a week before the wedding, we received 22 inches of snow, which is not well tolerated in this part of the world. The caterers and mansion were out, so we got married in a hotel lobby, and friends put out the most wonderful reception at my home imaginable - the food was great and the decorations were beautiful. What started out as a seeming disaster turned into such a blessing. The outpouring of kindness and effort was far more meaningful to us than any formal affair could ever have been - what wedding memories! The important things are the fact that you're getting married, and sharing it with those important in your lives. Best wishes and let us know how it turns out. BTW, it's pretty fun being married - first time for both of us - hope you enjoy it as much as we do!


We got married outside too!! But it was in my mom's backyard. On THE hottest day of the year back in 97'. Understand I've been married 3times now. I wore white and my mom, sister-in-law, my kids, and my brother were in the wedding. My mom was my maid of honor, my sis-in-law a bridesmaid, my oldest daughter a bridesmaid, my youngest daughter a flower girl, my son the ring bearer, and my brother gave me away!! My dad and stepdad have both done it so it was his turn
. My twin brother was the DJ. Now I'm going to top this off, as of right now I am 27 and I couldn't be happier!!! How's that for untraditional?!!

Just read your post! Cool (no too hot of a day?) and way untraditional! I like it! I was 32 and my hubby was 38 when we got hitched. First and last time for both of us. And, the other untraditional thing about our shindig was NO CAKE! We both are more PIE people. Wouldn't you know it? My Mom was still alive and made the best darn pies EVER! She made over 30 DIFFERENT pies for our wedding. Things you would die for and never even heard of! What a day!!!!!!!!! That was in 1996 and most definately one of the best days of my entire life. Happy marriage!
You're right!! I never heard of

pies at a wedding
! I have to ask, Was there any coconut cream? That's my favorite
Coconut creme, banana creme, vanilla creme,

and it goes on and on! Orange chiffon, lemon meringue, blueberry, rhubarb, apple, apple streudel, chocolate creme, peanut butter, oatmeal, peach, shoo fly, butterscotch, apple/raspberry, key lime, pecan, hickory nut, and that's just off the top of my head. And guess what? None left for the honeymoon!
Do it your Way!

Do it how ever it makes you both happy. Traditional is not for everyone..and whos to say what traditional is really. :)

My husband and i got married on top of Bell Rock in Sedona Arizona. After climbing to the top we said our vows. it was the best view and perfect for us.

Go for it!


It's no wonder you like to cook!! Your mom sounded like she was an amazing teacher!!
Secrets to share!

You're right! My mom was the best cook around. I have her secret for a fabulous meringue, if you'd ever like it! She also made wonderful breads. One time she made homemade pumpernickel, homemade thousand island dressing, homemade sourkraut, homemade corned beef brisket and the only thing on that Rueben that was bought was the Swiss cheese! She even made her own butter to grill the bread with! Now that's cooking!

Sorry for butting in here, but (Sorry for another but!!) could I get your Mom's recipe for meringue? Are you sure she wouldn't mind you sharing her secret? Boy, people just don't cook like they used to, do they? Do you cook like your Mom did? Thanks for sharing.

Meringue secret

Hi, Debbie!
Yes, I do cook like my mom. She was such a stickler for making it yourself instead of buying bread, polenta, pizza dough, anything! Here is her secret to meringue:
Follow the recipe for your meringue, usually 3 to 6 egg whites and sugar. Cook in a small saucepan 1 tablespoon of cornstarch in 1/2 cup of water until it gels and becomes sort of "clear." Then beat it vigoursly into the meringue. This sounds funny, but it works! Let me know if you like it!
Thanks Amy!

I'll give it a try. Hmmmmm, now I need to decide what kind of pie I'm making!!

OH Amy,

I've got to try this out!! My older brother's favorite pie is lemon meringue! I'll make him one this weekend
! More people need to cook like your mom did(and you do)! That Reuben sounds wonderful. ihaven't had one since Fathers' Day. My husband's favorite!! You know, you keep hitting on all of my family's favorite dishes, are we related
You can be my little sister any day!

I'd be proud to have you for a sister! I know the holiday meals would be exceptional!

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