Some good workouts for preg


I am now 24 weeks pregnant, and everything is going along just fine (thank God)! I have been able to gain steadily and keep in good health thus far. I was an avid CTX user before pregnancy, but found that I could not keep up the intensity as things went along. I bought several pregnancy workouts and these are my favorites:

Kathy Smith's Pregnancy Workout (1989)
--Makes you feel like you're doing *something* as you get farther along (other workouts a little slow/lame)
--Has weights and aerobics, lots of kegels
--Has "ab" section, which many prego DVDs don't have
--Lots of tips on modifiers, taking it easier, and increasing the intensity
--Some advice from doctors about exercising/nutrition
--Nice relaxation exercise at the end.

--Kind of old; there's a goofy rap in the middle (it's an intensity meter: if you can rap along, you're doing okay)
--A *little bitty* bit of it has some outdated info (lying on back, etc.)

Overall, I like this workout very much. It's divided into several sections (warm-up, aerobics 1, aer 2, aer 3, leg work, arms, abs, stretch, guided relaxation), so you can skip/rearrange them as you like.

I'm also 31, so I am used to 1980s aerobics; used to do Jane Fonda's New Workout in high school. If you are younger, you might find this corny.

Leisa Hart's Fit Mama
--Has aerobics. Also has toning, in the form of yoga.
--Also divided into sections that you can rearrange/skip as you like.
--Very good cueing and easy transitions.
--Helps you feel like you're breaking a teeny sweat.

--EXTREMELY repetitive. It starts with a salsa dance (20 min), then a yoga fat burn (20 min). Each section repeats the combinations like 5 or more times. After that, there are stretches, kegels, and a cool down.
--I find Leisa Hart annoying at times. She breathes loudly and says all kinds of dorky stuff, like "get a sexy little groove going" and "move those sexy hips". I don't feel that sexy right now.
--Not too much modification advice.

Overall, this is "okay, not great". The repetitiveness grates on my nerves at times, and at others I find it relaxing. I do this workout least often of the 3 I'm recommending.


Pregnancy Yoga with Shiva Rea
--Shiva has a VERY relaxing, soothing, calming voice. I just LOVE to listen to it.
--Very clear instruction.
--If you didn't do yoga before this, you'll wonder why you didn't.
--Really relieves my back/leg pain.
--Has exercises I do at work sometimes to relieve pain/edema.
--GREAT modifications, with one lady in each trimester.
--Makes you feel like you just got a massage when you are done.
--Divided and subdivided, so you can do all or just part of each section (meditation/pranayama, standing work, floor work, stretch, guided relaxation).
--The guided relaxation REALLY WORKS.
--Good core work. Great breathing exercises.

--You sort of feel like you didn't do a "real" workout.

I never did yoga before I bought this DVD, but maybe I'll try it after the gestation is over. I just LOVE how relaxed and peaceful I feel when I've finished this workout. Shiva Rea is a soothing, calming presence, and her voice just makes you melt.


Good luck everyone! Let me know if you have some prego workouts that you like, too, because I'm hoping to have another baby someday.

See you around,
EDC 1/18/05
24 3/7 weeks
23 pounds heavier
PS Has anyone tried the new Cathe DVDs? I have not.

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