Some food fun

L Sass

Food - I think it makes this whole fitness thing just too da** hard. So what are some foods you just don't like, foods you dislike, and foods you've just learned to live without?

For me:
Just don't like:
chocolate (runs to get body armour). Not that I dislike it - just not a big fan of it - even at TTOM.

Pasta (blech)
Eggs (double blech)

Live without
Whole grains - be it breads or my beloved steel cut oats. Through trial and error I've learned that even in moderation they pack on the pounds for me.

Anyone else?


I NEED a Cathe Roadtrip - BAD!!!!
Hmmm. *think think think*

raw tomatoes
ginger snaps etc (though I don't mind ginger in a dish)

Live without:
What's this mean? *pout* *snarf snarf snarf*


I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three.
--Elayne Boosler
I cannot stand oatmeal. I know it's supposed to be so good for you but it is just nasty to me. The consistency... ewwwww

I love any kind of veggies except eggplant. Another consistency issue. It always comes out slimy for me.

I could take carrots or leave them. They are ok.

I could NOT live w/out pizza. It is my downfall.
Foods I don't like...broccoli...brussell sprouts....onions.
Foods I dislike - VEGGIE BURGERS! Turkey burgers (turkey bacon, etc)...steamed chicken from asian restaurants....the color creeps me out! Oh, and one time I tried cashew butter (love peanut butter)...I almost threw up! GROSS!
Foods I have just plain given, hot dogs, hamburgers, french fries, ice cream...but I will NEVER give up chocolate (even though I only eat it a few times a year!):9
I'm not ga ga over chocolate either. I dislike corned beef and liver. I would not live without margaritas, shrimp, beans, fresh asparagus, fresh strawberries, or an occasional cupcake.

I don't miss donuts, candy, or soda. If you told me I would say that fifteen years ago I would not have believed you.

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