Sodium Question with Nutrition Software


I am confused. I lightly steam all my vegetables. So for broccoli and brussel sprouts I use "broccoli/brussel sprouts, cooked, from fresh, fat not added in cooking". For one cup of brussel sprouts the sodium goes to 400 mg when cooked, and in the "raw" choice the sodium is 22 mg. So just steaming the brussel sprouts adds more sodium?? The same is true for broccolli. The mg amounts are different, but the same jump in sodium when cooked.
Since it has been a week without an answer, I thought I would bump this up. Am I asking in the wrong Forum???
I am confused. I lightly steam all my vegetables. So for broccoli and brussel sprouts I use "broccoli/brussel sprouts, cooked, from fresh, fat not added in cooking". For one cup of brussel sprouts the sodium goes to 400 mg when cooked, and in the "raw" choice the sodium is 22 mg. So just steaming the brussel sprouts adds more sodium?? The same is true for broccolli. The mg amounts are different, but the same jump in sodium when cooked.

All of the nutrient data you see in our software comes directly from the USDA database. The figures for one cup of brussel sprouts (sodium goes to 400 mg when cooked), and in the "raw" choice the sodium (22 mg) are both correct. My guess is the USDA figures for this particular cooked item include added salt, but I’ll see if I can confirm this for you.
Thanks April, that's what I have been doing too.

Thanks SNM...I did figure the database must have thought people added salt when cooking myself. Thank you for trying to get it confirmed...:)

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