So cute - all the families out with trick or treaters!!


The kids in our neighborhood are so cute! How many pieces of candy do most people give out though?? three - five - six?? what is too much and what is not enough! I never know!

I don't have kids so what is the protocol??
I usually start off giving two and at the end of the night I'm shoving five or six in there, just to get rid of the dang stuff!
I have a feeling I started out wrong - I was doing 5 now down to 2 bc my BIG HUGE THREE bags of candy are almost gone! Last year I barely went through one bag and this year our neighborhood blew up! Its hard to tell in a new area - - urggggggggg
One mini bag of M&Ms OR one mini Kit Kat bar OR a Hershey's mini with a small bag of jelly bellies. I'm eating the leftovers right now. :p

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