Snickers Marathon Bar


Has anyone tried this? I've seen advertisements for the past 2-3 months for it, but have not seen it in the stores around here. Is it just a candy bar with a little bit of protein added in? Thanks.
Yes I have tried it and yes a glorified candy bar!!! Here is the breakdown: Total Fat 7g, Total Carbs 27g, Protein 13g, it also has some potassium 190mg...reminds me of a balance bar with a bit more sugar...:)...Carole
Thanks Carole! I've been wanting to try it for a while now. I guess that would be a better alternative for my chocolate craving than a regular Snickers candy bar. Hmm, I wonder, do they taste the same?
I haven't tried one, but my husband loves them! I would say, if you have choc cravings, then eat one of these rather than the regular candy bar because at least you'll get good dose of protein!!! Sure it's not "pure" and would be struck off a "clean eater's" list, but, what the heck! Eat and enjoy!!!!!

You can get them at Walgreens by the Luna bars and others. I LOVE the chewy one. And yes, I keep one around for emergency, when I get a low blood sugar attack or a snack attack.

I DON'T try and trick myself into thinking that they are a meal replacement. I know it is a LITTLE better than a good ole Snickers though....:9

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