Snack ideas that are portable for a busy mom/collage student

piece of fruit and string cheese. This is not very inventive, but it works for me. I carry a cooler to work every day with this in it, as well as my lunch.

If you have time one afternoon or on the weekend maybe you could make some homemade protien muffins. They would be quick and portable.
Not very inventive either but: Any and all nuts and fruit and seeds, in whatever combinations you like. Crackers or rice cakes and cheese cubes. Or hard-boiled eggs. A small jar of nut butter. Carrot sticks, pepper strips, cucumber strips, radishes, etc, with a small container of hummus, or whatever other dips you like. Fruit of course (bananas, oranges, tangerines, apples, pears, and even things like berries in a plastic container). Home made granola to cut down on oils and sweeteners. Turkey jerkey or other dried meat for those who eat it. Small containers of Spirutein or yogurt or kefir. Leftovers from dinner. Half a sandwich. A pancake with some peanut butter inside, all rolled up.
Thanks so much for the snack ideas.....made a shopping list! Off to find a muffin recipe online! Thanks again!


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