Small frame debulk legs walking or run for cardio??


Hello to all

I posted about my quandry a bit ago and everyone here was so helpful!! I love this site! I have another question for everyone though. I have taken some advice and it might be working only time will tell. I realized I gain muscle quite quickly and also have low body fat that combined with being small framed, and teaching 4-6 weight training type classes a week has produced bigger leg and hip/butt muscles than I would like. I have added pilates(and lotte burk which I love) and stretching as well as more cardio into my personal routine. My question is on the cardio. Which would be better walking or running. I have been running because many mentioned this helped them to lean out bulky muscles. I actually really love to run so this was good news. Yet I can't help wondering how can the running reduce the size and not build. Wouldn't walking be better I'm so confused. Anyone have a similiar sitiuation or maybe some experience to share ?

OK, this is just my opinion but I have a theory that different exercises work differently on people. For example, step training has definitely helped slim down my lower body. I know that the cardio has a lot to do with getting smaller but I've heard of many cases where step has lead to an increase in the size of the calfs. I heard similar things about running as well. If your goal is to burn more calories, then running is the way to go because it is so time efficient. If I were you I would measure my thighs and continue with running. Compare the size after a couple of months and see where you are. If you're getting a size increase, I would switch to walking(high intensity like hill climbing), or something else you enjoy.

I'm not a professional but I can share my experience. I'm small but have always had muscular, strong legs, so i don't like to do too much to bulk them up. I found that running really leaned them out but not if I did it too often. So now I run 2-3 times a week, power walk/hike about four days a week and also do other cardio in there (biking, Cathe). So for me the combo run/walk has really done the trick. That and only weight training my legs twice a week, one session "heavy" and one not weighted, using bands or my own body weight.

hope that long-winded response helps! :p


I don't have muscular legs but I have more muscle in my lower body than my upper body, and I tend to bulk up faster in my lower body as well. I do the same weight training technique as Sparrow, but one session is with moderate instead of heavy weight, and the other with light weight and floor work. Since my knees are ornery, I can't run. So instead of running, I either step or kickbox for cardio. This has worked best for me.

hi fitchick, you wrote:

> I gain muscle quite quickly and also have low body fat that > combined with being small framed

i imagine this (genetics) has more to do with it than running vs. walking. i've been running since high school (i'm now 34) and i have very muscluar legs. they are not lean and thin. they are big and muscular. not fat, just muscle-y lol. some runners are thin and muscular, some are bigger and muscular. it's just the way genetics works. i personally gain muscle very quickly in my legs, and i run 30 miles a week. i'm definintely not giving up running, so i accept my powerful legs for what they are. if you switch to walking, it won't change your musclular build. if anything, you will accomplish less because it takes more walking than running to accomplish the same goal. (and it's way more boring heh heh)

ps.. be happy that you have low body fat :) and of course that you are in great health!
>i'm definintely not giving up running, so i accept my powerful
>legs for what they are.

Amen sister!


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