
I'm going to start the Insanity program next week and am trying to talk my husband into doing it with me. I made him watch the infommercial and when he saw the before and after pics he says there's noway a person could get those results in 60 days without using weights. I'm having a hard time convincing him since I myself haven't done it yet. Can anybody help me out her?!
I think there is a little disclaimer somewhere in the infomercial that says something like "results not typical". I don't doubt it is a useful program but I always doubt those "results". Who knows what they ate or what else they did. Just my opinion.
I did the full 60 day Insanity rotation last year. I did two weeks of month one and six weeks of month two. I am not one to extol the merits of any infomercial but I must say and I have told others that Insanity does deliver. My legs slimmed down ( all of those plyometric moves) and they did become more defined and muscular. My shoulder definition increased. My abs were more defined. My cardio endurance increased greatly. For example Cathe's HIIT DVD now seems like a somewhat easier workout for me after doing Insanity. My resting heart rate dropped into the thirties.
I did not change anything about my diet but I do admit that I almost always eat clean. I did continue to lift weights while doing Insanity but I have been lifting for years and although I was muscular before Insanity, I did not get the 60 day results that I obtained with Insanity. Weight lifting takes me longer to achieve results. Maybe it was the shock of my body doing a different type of cardio.

Christine- have fun with Insanity. Shaun T is great and the workouts are definitely challenging and fun. ( I do admit that a few days in week six I did have a bit of a dread factor. I just dreaded beating up on myself but that dread quickly passed after I pressed play).
It seems every fitness program out there shows fabulous results with the "results not typical" disclaimer. If you have a desire to do Insanity, go for it, but I wouldnt do it with the intent on receiving results like those shown in the infomercial after 60 days. I'm sure you're going to gain cardio endurance and possibly some more definition from the calorie burn if you watch your diet, but that can be said from any "program". It's not the magic of any particular program, it's the intensity you give to both it and your diet.
I was skeptical about not lifting weights for 2 months so I added one upper body work out per week to the rotation and I got awesome results! The program really leaned me out and I was able to maintain my muscle just fine. :)
It looked like to me that the people in the infomercial lost a lot of body fat more than they gained a lot of muscle. Those are the results I would expect from following insanity and following the diet.

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