Simply Endurance


This is Gin Miller's new moderate weight, total body , 50 minute workout. I tried it last night and enjoyed it. She jumps around in a Supersets kind of way, hitting every muscle group at least twice. Some of the sets are slow reps, some are fast, there are some compound sets (lunges and biceps at the same time. ) There is no rest between sets. Biceps get short shrift, a bit, knowing that now, I'll probably just go heavier on them next time.

It's also unusual in that Gin narrates the workout, rather than cues it as she's doing it. In other words, you see her doing it, but the cuing is dubbed over.

Gin is one of my favorite instructors, not just because of her famous quote, "if you're going to have a big butt, have a great big butt." I think this workout is a great supplement/complement to Cathe style lifting.

Thanx for the review Ann. I was looking at the Collage catalog and this tape was one of the ones I was considering. I'm getting back to weights after some "life trama" and need something a bit easier than Cathe.

Take Care!
I got this workout and I enjoy it. I am doing a high rep/low weights routine right now and it fits in perfectly.

does anyone have her Simply Strong? Is it also low weights/high rep or is it more heavy weights?


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