Simple Iphone / ITouch app


I browsed around the workout manager... and I was hoping to see a simple app that would also work for the Iphone and Itouch.

I don't follow any rotation, however, I have in my head which workouts I would do Monday, Tuesday, etc. Sometimes I write them on a piece of paper. It goes as far as one week... sometimes 2

so this would be a very simple app, there would be a calendar that would connect all Cathe DVDs. So you would drag it to the day you want to do the workout. and also may be it would be good to be able to write notes in case you are doing a mix of 2 workouts or some premixes.

And I would set an alarm for let say 5 AM to tell me which workout is scheduled for today... so when I wake up, I look at my phone to remember.

simple, but would be useful... I think for others too
ok... i saw the calendar and it does just that... just not on the Iphone yet!! LOL

love it

sorry about that...
Workout Manager

Our next step is to first release the online beta 3.0 Workout Manager which will be a pretty big leap forward. After correcting bugs and making some improvements based on user feedback we will then start to develop the mobile app.

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