Shrinking Violets Tuesday 8/22!


Hi girls!

Going to try to get my butt to the gym today for my cardio work out. I am undecided as to exactly what that will be at this point though.

I am up too early this morning.x( I woke up around 5am and couldn't fall back to sleep so I finally just got up at 5:30.

My race is in less then 2 weeks! YIKES! I'm getting really nervous now!:eek:

Hope everyone has a great day!:)
Hiya Wendy! And All to follow!

Sorry you couldn't fall back to sleep. I made myself get up w/ DH. Got to get back in the swing of things. School starts a week tomorrow! No more sleeping in for me! x(

You're going to do fine in the race. You are doing this for you. And I think it's amazing how far you have come and what you have accomplished in such a short time. When we started checking in together last year, you were not sure of anything, (well not that you are totally deceisive now) ROTFLMAO!! :p Kidding! You know I love ya! Now look at you! You look amazing you're fit as a fiddle and on top of that you're running in a race! I'm so proud of you.:7
How's Joey feeling? I hope he has a better day poor bugger. :-(
Hey! And congrats on the job!

I decided to do the finished combos of SB. I'm skipping the Challenge tho since my leg is feeling ok and I want to do one of my Jari's. I only got R to the C, and S/L. Is one easier?

My eating was good yesterday. I started plugging my food into fitday again. That will help. The only thing was I didn't even have 1000 cals! I'll work on it tho. I had 2 slices of turkey breast after work at 10:30 and went to bed.

Going to workout now, get the boys up and go get my hip xrayed. Hopefully I'll hear something tomorrow or Thurs. at the latest.

Hi Kim, SD, Jean, Violet, Heather and Anyone else I missed who may check in with us! Have a good one!

Hey Kali.

I guess Ripped to the Core is tougher but that's not to say the Slim and Lean is easy by any means! R/C has this one segment where you do an exercise called the spider and you alternate that with push ups. IT'S KILLER!!! }( }( }( The very first exercise for legs is a real burner and the tricep track is TOUGH! I just love it! :7
Oh God Wendy. Just the "titles" of the exercises is scaring me! Can't wait to try it tho. Guess I'll go w/ S&L.

I'm only going to have an hour in the AM starting next week, so I'm trying to figure out if I should alternate each day for a few weeks. Cardio-S/L-Cardio/RtoC/Cardio maybe ME or PH on Sat. then the following week do 3 Jari and 2 cardio. How does that sound to you? On the days I do Jari in the AM I can try to do a cardio in the PM if time allows. Ooooh! By then I'll have the TM and can walk on that in the PM! YEAH!

Kali...Be very afraid of the's harder than it looks ESPECIALLY if you have DOMS from a previous work out!}(

Yeah, if I were you I would just alternate the cardio and weights. That's probably the easiest way to do it.
Good morning violets!!

kali & wendy-you two are up pretty early this morning:(

well we are back from the funeral and close to all being back to normal. i still have a house full of visitors. they are taking up my workout room:( . so this morning determined to workout, i went to the gym. last week i only squeezed in two workoutsx( . i did the ellipitical for 20 mins and then took a metabolic effect class. it's a 30 min class complete with compound weight training and interval cardio bursts. i loved it!! it's funny how when you don't work out your body craves it. :D

tomorrow i will have to go to the gym in the morning again to workout. hopefully my space will be un-invaded by thurs:p . i plan on trying slim and lean on thurs morning. kali, if you try it before then let me know what you think. stop scarring us Wendy, LOL.:D

good morning to all else who follows....:)

also- shhh, my eating has not been up to par at all. i am going to really try to get back on track this week.
Hey Wendy,Kali and others who follow,

I am dragging my feet this morning as I have a day ahead of me.Have you ever heard of someone who doesn't handle having alot of school events and going here and there? I get very tense and can't relax when I know I have games to go to and running back and for. Don't get me wrong I love watching them in activities and having fun, but I am not a pleasant person to be around when I have a hectic schedule.

Yesterday I ate pretty good except for the baked potato I ate skin and all! You would never know I have a baked potato on my plate! I am having me a Whey chocolate MRP drink with bananas in it. I need to get more protein.

Today my rotation calls for lowmax and maybe I can fit half in between her practice and dinner and then come back home and do the other half. Either way I will get that sucker done!

By the way, I am joining you ladies and getting R to the C next month for b-day along with some of cathes dvds. I can't wait!

Shrinking Violets Check-in

Good morning, Violets! It just dawned on me that I have not checked in since last Thursday. Friday was a rest day. I went to the club Saturday morning and jogged in the pool. My cycle started over the weekend and is kicking my butt this month. I was sidelined with intense cramps Sunday, but it was a planned rest day anyway. I am feeling wiped out again this morning, but part of that is the result of a celebration last night. The morning after sugar is never pretty.

I am faithfully completing my Bible study every morning, which really helps with my focus and outlook in general. I did Kick, Punch, & Crunch yesterday morning.

I had a big breakthrough last night. I was feeling insecure about returning to the club, and thoughts and feelings of not belonging there or here or anywhere continued to torment me last week. The mental part of this journey is so much tougher than the physical part. I am determined to not allow thoughts and feelings to rule over me, so I kept pressing on. I started feeling “at home” there again last night. I went after work to jog in the pool with my friend Rebecca. Many of my friends were there last night. It was comforting to see familiar faces again. The club director patted me on the back and joked about my return. I also realized that I am very hard on myself. I saw a friend in the locker room who wanted to see pictures of my niece. She is a doll! I pulled out the photo album that I keep with me. It fell open to a picture of me at my top weight. Renee did not know me 3 years ago when I started this journey. She was blown away. It is easy for me to be distracted by how big I still am and forget how huge I was back then. My waist is 10" smaller than it was 3 years ago, and each thigh is 4" smaller. I am only halfway to goal, but that old Heather is gone forever. I look nothing like her anymore. When I started this journey, my doctor told me to prepare myself for the reality that it might take 4-5 years to reach my goal. It appears that he was right on target.

In my excitement last night, I promised one of the regular members of my friend’s cardio boot camp class that I will return to class next Wednesday. I made a commitment to attend that class once a month. What on earth was I thinking?! I may regret it next week, but it will be a good challenge for me and a good monthly progress check. This is a cardio boot camp class that is like Cathe’s Boot Camp, High Step Training, and IMAX3 combined. It is an extremely challenging workout. Thankfully, the club has a suspended wood floor that cushions the impact.

I started celebrating my birthday a few days early. My actual birthday is not until Friday, but Rebecca treated me to homemade key lime pie at Cheddar’s last night. I ate until I was satisfied and left the rest on the table. It was tart and refreshing, but I do not need the leftovers in my home. I know that this will be a week of celebration, so I am enjoying treats in moderation. Emphasis on moderation.

I am thinking about focusing on cardio and circuit training workouts this week. I need to burn all these calories I am eating! I received a shipping notice yesterday, and my new DVDs will be here just in time for my birthday! :7 Speaking of new DVDs, I started previewing the Hardcore Series workouts that were given to me as a gift. Low Max and High Step Challenge look like fun! I had a lightbulb moment while previewing the boot camp blast section of Kick Max that inspired some great ideas for getting a more intense workout from all my Cathe DVDs without compromising my joints. I will share more about this soon.

Wendy, congratulations on the new job! :)

Kali, have a great workout. :)

Sunny, I am glad to see you checking in again. Good job getting a workout done even with a house full of guests. :)

Kim, enjoy Low Max. I am looking forward to trying that one for the first time soon. :)

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

I AM BACK and I survived!

You were right Wendy! I loved it! In fact I did the RS Challenge twice afterwards cause I was feeling so good! I did S&L w/ 3 &5# dumbbells. I want to start super light & work my way up. I think you're gonna like it SD!

Hope you're uninvaded soon too! At least you got a few wo's in. That is better than nothing. I have seriously committed myself to sticking to the clean eating. I've got to. We can do it!

Kim, I know what you mean about feeling stressed when you KNOW you're got so much running to do. I'm w/ you on that one. Have fun w/ Lowmax. What rotation are you doing by the way?

Heather, so glad you're feeling more comfortable at the club.I'm happy for you. You should be proud of your accomplishments.

Going to have some eggwhites and get cleaned up to go get my xray. Talk to you guys later!

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hey Kali! Good job on S&L! I'm glad you liked it!

I just finished a step mish mosh of im3 step combos, sjp step and sb challenge but I left out the blasts. FUN!}(

Off to the showers!:)
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Heather- i am so proud of you and your decision!

kali-i can't wait!! go girl:D

wendy-did you get the job???? if so, congratulations:D :D

i may go to the gym again tonight with dh. if so we will weight train.
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

SD: Yeah, I got the job! THANKS! I went there last night and filled out the forms and all that stuff. I'll be starting at the beginning of september most likely. :) Have fun at the gym if you go!
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

SD- hope you get to the gym again! That's cool you go w/ DH! My DH says he's going to start walking on the TM when we get it.

Wendy- yes it was FUN! It flew by too! That mishmosh sounds fun! Maybe I'll try something like that tomorrow. I'm going to stay away from blasts till I see what's wrong w/ my leg. It seems everytime I do them, I get thru them but 2 days later, YIKES. Really sorry I did it.

I'm feeling good now. Man my hip hurt more getting the dang x-ray than any other time! x( Hopefully I'll hear by Thursday. My doc and I graduated together so I'll get on the horn if I don't hear!

Just had eggwhites and egg beaters w/ 2% cheese, and 2 slices of ww toast. Having ww pasta for dinner and a big salad. I should've eaten earlier but I wasn't hungry. I'll try to have a yogurt between now and dinner and maybe some South beach crackers.

Well I'm off to Cleanmax! Talk to you guys later!

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

I needed a circuit today, so I did BC. It was a good one.
I finished the lean rotation (from Charlotte) today! YAY! I have had excellent results. I even lost 2 inches in my waist. I can finally see some real definition everywhere. My legs look really good, and my shoulders! IMO anyway! Trust me, it has been a long time since I have been able to say that about any body part! I hope to get my DH to take a few pics, since the ones on my pictrail are from when I started the rotation.

Kali- hope the news is good! Good eating!
SD- have fun at the gym. I keep nagging my DH to WO with me!
Wendy-I LOVE doing step mish moshes!!
Heather- I am really impressed with your determination and progress!
Kim-good luck getting that WO in!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hey ladies,

Well I did get my workout in today even though it was not the full workout. I did the premix 1-4 of lowmax. It was still a good workout. I was just so tired when i got back from taking dd shopping and then taking her to practice. And the wonderful thing is that the parents don't have to take the girls to the dinner at a seperate school,cause the cheerleaders will be riding a bus. I will just have to pick her up when she gets back on the bus.

My eating was so-so today, I only wish I didn't eat like I did for lunch. We ate at the food court at the mall and I ate chick-fillet. that place is so darn good and everyone else wanted to go. Pitiful excuse I know! And OMG,their lemonade is to die for!:9 But I did have my protein shake this morning and going to have some fat free hotdogs for supper.

Kali- I am doing the Nov.05'Fat Burning Focus. I think that is the name of it. I am trying to get my belly and thighs alittle smaller. I know my eating clean will be a large part of it, and getting in some consistent exercising. I will meet my goal by May 07'if no other physical problems come upon me!

Wendy-I think I have decided to order R to the C. You ladies are talking about it so much and i have previewed it and well lets just say I can't stand it. Plus I haven't ordered a workout in a long time. So sometimes this week I will make my order!

Have a good evening!


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