Shrinking Violets Tuesday 8/01


Good Morning Violet Ladies!:)

My eating was all good yesterday. I had a little lf cottage cheese prior to leaving for class and had a bowl of cereal when I got back. :9 Class was pretty evil due to the heat. We did 3 cycles of 3mins walking and 7mins running. I am very capable of doing that but with the heat as it was, I was dyin'! I couldn't wait for it to be over!!! LOL

Today is a rest day for me...not sure what I'll do with my day now...LOL!:7
Good Morning, Wendy and Violets!

I did 25 minutes of Karen Voight's Streamline Fitness (the body toning section). I'll add to the day as I go:) Enjoy your rest day, Wendy!
Shrinking Violets Check-in

Good morning! Bible study and Boot Camp this morning! Time for work!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

I too had ice cream last night Wendy. Atleast it didn't do any damage according to the scale. My eating was good otherwise.

I am planning SJP, and PUB pyramid up today.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Oh Meggy, I think you mis-read my post cause I didn't say anywhere in it that I had icecream last night! LOL :7 :7 :7 I hope you enjoyed yours though! :9

My eating is fine so far today...a bowl of mini shredded wheat with ff milk and a ww bagel with raspberry fruit spread on it. Lunch is coming up soon...Probably a veggie burger and some lf cottage cheese. :9 I know I will be bad at MIL's but this is my normal weekly fair and I've still managed to get results so bring on the fried food, baby!}( }( }(
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

good afternoon ladies,

my eating was pretty good yesterday.
today, well that's another story. my co. is having a united way kick-off, so they are doing a bake sale today. and you know i gotta support a good cause, don't i:D }( . i had not one but two pieces of cake.

this morning's workout was p90x, shoulders and arms. what a upperbody workout!!!! all i can say is wow. when it was over my arms felt like toast:) i also want to try to get in a walk later on this evening.

wendy-your eating is going great. do you go to mil's every week? my mil is coming to visit in two weeks, i can't wait!

talk to you ladies later!
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Holy crap Wendy! How did I confuse cereal and ice cream??? Tell's you what was on my mind! Sorry, guess I am the only one who indulged in the ic!!!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hi Sunny. Yeah, we pretty much try to see all of the grandparents one time per week!:)

What kind of cake was it? }( :9
hi, ladies
well in order for me to be a shrinking violet i need to watch what i eat and exercise.
Today for exercise i did Taebo advanced workout

1/4c kashi go lean
1/4c kashi heart to heart
1/2c honey bunches of oat
1 cup of silk soy milk vanilla
2 slices of whole wheat bread

mid morning snack
1/2 c of oatmeal with soymilk

1c of white rice
1/2c of red beans
1/4c of split peas

snack and dinner
1 nectarine
1 banana
1 peach
1 pink lady apple
1/2c of lentils
1/2c of white rice
baby carrots

Hi all.

Didn't get a chance to post yesterday. Eating was good. :)

Food for yesterday
1/3 c oatmeal
1 scoop protein with 1/3 c ff milk

1/3 c. oatmeal
2 oz chicken

4oz chicken
2/3 cup brown rice
1 cup of peas

WW Toast with 1 tbsp peanut butter

French Toast made with:
2 Slice WW bread
1 egg
2 tbsp ff milk
1 tsp powder suger

½ c. green beans
1 cup watermelon

Got in my exercise both yesterday and today. Yesterday was 2 miles jogging followed by GS-BSB. Today was 2 miles (1 mile jog, 1 mile of walk/sprint intervals) followed by GS - CT.

Sunny to answer your questions about Dallas schools. First of all it is a very large district. It's gone through superintendants like a candy bowl. People I know won't let there kids go there. If they lived in Dallas, they moved to a surrounding city when they had kids. Luckily, Dallas is surrounded by lots of suburban type towns with their own school districts. Commutes are not bad. We live in between Dallas and Fort Worth. I work in Dallas 3 days a week and drive 35 miles (takes about an hour, part of that is in the parking garage LOL). Dh works at the airport, so that's just 12 miles away. Fort Worth is only 20 miles from us so we can go to Dallas or Fort Worth for concerts, shows, zoos etc. Dallas & Fort Worth are about 40 miles apart. Freeway's are pretty easy to get around. I don't know if you are currently looking for city living, country living or suburban living, but all 3 are not that far apart here. Prices of home also vary depending on the area. If you think of anything else to ask, feel free.

Gotta run

I've done well with my goals thus far. I've had 3/4 of my water, all my fruit n veggies, did NOT steal from the candy dish, and am doing OK calorie wise. I'm trying to motivate myself for my 3.5 mile run...better go change into something more athletic! :)
Jean- thanks so much for all the info:) . very helpful. dh & i are into suburban living. so whereever we land it will in the 'burbs, LOL

wendy- pound cake (with cream cheese):9 and chocolate:9 ...and can i say again it was for a good cause:D :D
well here is food for today. Not so good thanks to another dang lunch at work.

1/3 c. oatmeal
1 scoop of protein w/ ff milk

2 oz chicken

1/2 Texasdelphia chicken sandwich
chips, salsa, & a little guacamole
small brownie


4oz chicken

But the good news is I burned some of it off. After work I went to my first spin class. I really enjoyed it. I had the wrong start time so I missed 10 min. of it. Probably was my subconscious trying to get me out of a full class LOL.

another late day!

My plan for this week:
M - CC6, 58 Minutes, 447 calories burned, HR 76% average/97% max, Yoga in the evening,
T - Slim and Lean, 67 Minutes, 251 Calories burned. HR 55% ave/76% max, Yoga in the evening
W - CC5. 60 minutes, 438 calories burned. HR 72% ave/95 Max, Yoga in the evening
T - Muscle Endurance, Bootcamp premix, Yoga in the evening
F - Imax 3,Yoga in the evening
S - Ripped to the Core, Yoga in the evening
S - Yoga Shakti - Basic Flow

Food For Yesterday
M1 - whole wheat toast, orange, egg whites
M2 - Orange roughy, orange
M3 - chicken breast, 1 cup mixed veggies, triscuits
M4 - Orange roughy, 1 cup mixed veggies
M5 - orange roughy, spinach, romainne, tomatoes

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