Shrinking Violets - Tues.8/8/06


Good morning everyone. This morning I was determined to try out my new shoes. So after sleeping in 30 min too long, I got up and did 30 min on the TM, (first mile steady jog followed by intervals). Shoes are stiff, but feel pretty good. Then I did 1/2 of PUB. Will try to finish second half tonight.

What's on everyone's agenda for the day?

Jean, glad the shoes are good for you.

Well I blew off R to the C yesterday so it's on tap for today. Today was supposed to be my REST day! That's what I get for being lazy yesterday!:p I may or may not add cardio as well. Running class was great, as always last night. :)

Meg, I'm sorry to hear about all of the troubles in your family right now. I sincerely hope that everything turns out well for everyone involved. Did you order Slim and Lean yet? ;) }(

Edited to Add:

I don't think I told you girls yet...I ordered a Garmin Forerunner 101-the gps satellite system for runners! I am sooo excited!!!}( }( }(
Good morning violets...

anyone started shrinking yet:D

Jean- i am sorry i must of missed it..what type of new running shoes did you get? glad you like them so far.

Wendy-what is a garmin forerunner? how does s & l compare to ME? love your new avatar!! what a cutie pie...:)

this morning's workout was a 60 minute tm run. sweated like crazy and burned some necessary calories}(
i have some nice DOMS from yesterday's workout.

jean & heather- thanks for all the dallas/austin info you've provided. i really appreciate your help.

hello to all that follow:)
Thanks Wendy. It is tough, because there is so much all at once, but a day at a time. I am sure my sister will come around eventually. We have always been a tight knit family and Erika and I are so close, I am sure it will be alright, but it does suck! Her safety is # 1.
Connor is alright, but his mouth and throat still hurt, and he is hardly drinking. I am praying that I can keep enough in him so he doesn't get dehydrated, or it's back to the hospital.

Anyway, I will order S&L this weekend! That GPS sounds cool!

I so need to WO today. I am not sure if I will go from the rotation or do something else. Either way, I need to hurry up cuz Chase has a doc appt this afternoon.

Jean-glad the shoes are working out!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
Good Morning Ladies!

Meg- I'm sorry too for all you're going thru right now. Hang in there sweetie. You know we're all here for you. (((HUGS))) Hope you can get a wo in just for peace of mind. I know that ALWAYS helps me.

Jean- glad you got to try out the new shoes! At least you got 1/2 your wo in already! :)

Wendy- don't know what the hec that "thing" is you're getting but I'm SOOOO happy for you! LOL! Hey! My DM is giving me her TM cause she doesn't use it! Selling mine years ago was the BIGGEST mistake of my life. (well one of them anyhow) So maybe I WILL be able to start running! Weather nice there? Beautiful here today. It was like soup outside up until this morning, but now it's really comfortable.
I'm not even going to mention what I ate yesterday. There is not much worth mentioning. I'll do better today tho.

SD- enjoy those DOMS!!}( Don't think I'm shrinking, but I'm not gaining anymore which is just fine w/ me!!! :7 (for the time being anyway);-)

Well the dog is still here. She's great. Slept on the floor next to our bed all night.
I didn't work out yesterday but burned some calories in the Beyond. So I am thinking of cardio and the Lowmax blasts. I find the combos kind of boring in LM. So maybe I'll do step combos from something then 2 blasts from LM etc. etc. I'll have to keep switching the DVD's but that's no biggie.

Off to workout before I get another unscheduled rest day!x(

Hello to Anyone else who follows!!!

My new shoes are the Nike + Air Zoom. They are the kind that you can get an adaptor for your ipod nano and a device goes in the shoe and it will keep track of your runs. I haven't got the adaptor yet because the Apple store sells them as fast as they come in. I'm hoping to get one today if the new shipment comes in. I can't wait to try it. I hope it's not difficult to program.

Sunny- A garmin forerunner is worn like an hrm on your wrisit but it tracks your pace, mileage, etc. when you run outside. Some are also hrm's and some are not. It works via satellite. This way you know how fast you are running and can know how far w/o driving it or using a website or anything. It's instant. VERY COOL!

I think Slim and Lean rivals ME. I find it to be tough!}(
Kali, Congrats on the TM! That's great! Once you get used to running on a TM you may find it easier to run outdoors! If I never had the TM to start off on I probably would have given up long ago! LOL
Wow Jean- those shoes sound really cooL!

Thanks Kali!!

I didn't do a circuit on the rotation becasue my hands were sore, so I didn't want to lift weights, so I did Step Blast and teh step portions from Imax2. I feel better from all that.
Eating has been good today.
Another doc appt this afternoon, so I will check back later.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
Meg- big hug to you and your family.

Wendy-sounds so cool. all these neat gadgets. modern technology is wonderful!! BTW- you are such an enabler...}( i am actually pondering getting this workout.

jean- how neat. keep us posted on how these sneakers workout for you. they sound so cool.

kali-congrats on your tm. i couldn't live without one!
Sunny, Slim and Lean you mean? If you like endurance, you will LOVE it! It is definately going to test you!}( }( }( I really do like it better than Ripped to the Core even though that is a fantastic work out too! My problem with compound exercises is that I usually have to go too heavy with upper body to make it work my legs well and vice versa so there are a few exercises in that work out that I just can't find a good weight for. You know what I mean?
Thanks SUnny! I appreciate it!!

Kali- I "stole" my moms TM because no one was using it! I love it!! You will too! She also has a home gym thingy, and believe me I would "steel" that too if I had the rooM!!!!!

Wendy, I too had to monkey with the weight selection for RtotheC. I still love it and can't believe how much shoulder work there was!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
Meg, YES, the shoulder work is INCREDIBLE in that work out!}( I found myself going a bit heavy on upper body and quitting the u/b exercises early if I had to or taking more breaks from it in order to work my legs better.
Shrinking Violets Check-in

Good evening! I am checking in late again tonight. After my Bible study this morning, I did Boot Camp. For some reason, I was tired today. I am planning a recovery week later this month, but I will take one sooner if my body needs it.

Sunny, I am glad I could help. I hope you move to Texas. I would love to meet you!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).

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