Shrinking Violets - Thurs. 8/10/06


Ok, Where is everyone?

I got up this morning and did haircolor max and then went for a 30 min jog. My new little toy(nano) surprised me at the end of my run. After the lady told me how far, how fast etc, Lance Armstrong comes on and said congratulations. I'm like, "oh my gosh, Lance Armstrong knows how far I ran. How Weird." LOL. Hope everyone is doing well today.

Good afternoon Ladies!

Where is everyone today?

That's sooo cool Jean! LOL!

I am going to eat, turkey on ww toast w/ 2% cheese. Then I am thinking of PH. I'm off my rotation so I'm trying to decide if I want to keep doing that one or try one w/ more weight work. Never actually tried that and wonder if it would benefit me. Could always try and see what kind of results I get right?

Hope everyone is doing ok!

Wendy where the hec are you???

Jean, LOL about the Lance Armstrong thing!

Kali, How much weight work do you normally do? Increasing it may do you good. I know I get better results with more rather than less weight work.
There you are Wendy!!!

I just got done w/ a SB/SJP step/weight circuit and I added on the Challenge for good measure. WOO HOO!

Wendy, I do a lot more cardio than weights. So I'm thinking up a rotation for myself w/ what I kind of just did. Is weights every day too much? I only go as high as 10# dumbbells for legs. The rest is 8's and 5#'s. I like the results I get with them so I don't want to go heavier even tho some say we should and that it wouldn't hurt. Just can't bring myself to believe that! LOL! I just like toning. NO BUILDING!
What do you think of this rotation?

Hope you're feeling better!

Hi to Anyone who follows!

Kali, You might want to consider Jari's work outs. They are endurance work outs meant to use light weights for the entire body. I have them and love them!:)

I will train my upper body heavy but I do NOT go over 10# for my legs either. They bulk up too fast. BLECH! x(
No problem, Kali.

Right now I am doing a rotation with them that looks like this:

Day 1 cardio + Ripped to the Core
Day 2 cardio
Day 3 cardio + Ripped
Day 4 cardio
Day 5 cardio + Slim and Lean
Day 6 cardio
Day 7 rest

Since taking up running (2-4 days per week) and now using these weight work outs, I am leaning clothes are starting to get just a wee bit bigger than they were before! WOOH!:+

Edited to Add:
Do you still plan to have a GTG at your place at some point?
That looks great! And you can obviously tell how you are slimming down! BIG TIME! You go with your bad self Girl!

Yes I am planning to have a GTG here. I told Robin I want to pin down a date when you and she can definatley come and go from there. My DS's BD is 9/19 so the weekend before that is out. Any other before or after that is good for me. When the 3 of us can decide, then I'll just post it and hey whoever wants to come is more than welcome. Any Saturdays look better for you than not? Let me know. The 3 of us will come up w/ something I'm sure.

hey ladies,

i finally made it here today:D
so where is the gtg?

wendy- did you see my post yesterday? i ordered slim and lean. you are such an enabler}( :D :p

kali-i see you ordered it too. i hope we both enjoy it. i am looking forward to her new workouts also.

today's workout was SB. i had a run on schedule for today but i felt in the mood to do something a little more fun. it was a blast, LOL

did everyone decide to leave our little group?
I am here! Just too busy!
I just did SJP, then cardio from BC, then biceps, triceps and shoulders from ME (going heavy), abs and stretch from ME.

I think tonight, the weight of all that has been going on lately really "fell" on my shoulders. I didn't break down, because I was too busy, but I wanted to! I have been trying to be so positive and not worry and be happy, that I haven't really let everything sink in, ya know? It is just everything put together, plus waking up with a nasty cold today, just is alot! Plus I had to order fuel oil today, and 150gallons was $405! And it isn't even winter yet!
I am hoping for a restful sleep and a good report for Connor at the docs tomorrow. (He also had to get bloodwork today:-()
Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
Shrinking Violets Check-in

After my Bible study this morning, I did Supersets. I have not been getting to bed as early this week. I am feeling it. I will likely take a rest day tomorrow unless I wake up bursting with energy. I am hoping to get back on track with morning check-ins again soon. I miss everyone!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).

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