Shrinking Violets TGIF 8/25


Morning Girls!

Today will be an SS upper body premix. I was going to do CTX UBS until I remembered that SS has a MEAN u/b premix! }(

I'm not supposed to do cardio today but I may cheat it and go to the gym. I'm suffering big time w/d from the gym...haven't been there in a week and previous to that it had been like a week as well! ACK!x(

Hope everyone is well.
Hi everyone.

I can already see this morning is going just like the rest of the past 2 weeks. I had just typed a long post and then hit the wrong key and lost all of it. I guess that was a hint that I shouldn't be whining and should just get out there and do something. So I off to put on my running shoes. Hopefully I'll be able to check back in later.

Heather, hope you have a wonderful Birthday. Enjoy your retreat.

Hi Jean. Hope you have a good run! :)

Well, I just finished my work out...PUB ball abs, SS 30 min u/b premix + MIS abs. I am going fight the urge to go to the gym today after all. I am still getting over this cold and I don't want to push too hard and feel like crap tomorrow morning for my last class before my race!

Hope all is well...gotta go grab a drink and head up to fetch the little guy!:)
Wendy hope you finally kick that cold to the curb. Have you tried taking zinc? There is a product that I take called Cold Eze. It helps knock my colds out in half the time. I think the main ingredient is zinc so you might try it if your cold continues to linger.

Well at least my jog/walk is done. It is already 88 degrees so it was a slow one, but my heart rate stayed up. (Now that I can tell again since I finally got my HRM back from having to have it repaired. I love the fact that told me it takes 7-10 days for repair and they received it on the 18th of July and I just got it back Tuesday. Oh well its back now)

Hope everyone has a great Friday. Now its off to work I go.

Hi Jean. I always see cold-eeze in stores when I DON'T have a cold! LOL I think you are supposed to take it at the very first inkling of getting sick and I just never think to buy it ahead of time so that I'm prepared! :7

Sorry about the HRM repair scandal. That stinks but atleast you have it back now. :)

I have an HRM and used to use it all of the time. Now I rarely use it. I just use the watch part to the gym or outside for my runs so that I don't sweat up my regular watch. I gave up using it cause I find the chest strap to be a giant pain in the butt. I *THINK* they sell new models that don't need a strap but I think they are pricey too. Maybe I'll have to add that to my wish list for a future purchase or gift!;)
Shrinking Violets Check-in

Happy Friday!!! :) After my Bible study, I enjoyed a refreshing swim then did the warm-up, challenge, and stretch from Rhythmic Step. Fun, fun, fun. The choreography flows so well that the challenge is a lot easier than I imagined. This is my favorite step workout of all time. :7 I am so excited about filming day! :7

Have a blessed weekend. :)

Wendy, have a great run. :)

Jean, thank you for the birthday wishes. :)

Hugs to Kali, Sunny, Maeghan, Kim, and Violet. :)

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Good Afternoon all,

heather-thanks for the hug:) i too am soooooooo excited about filming day!!!

jean- sorry about the HRM. glad you have it back now.

wendy-i truly hope you feel better soon. you are such a trooper to continue your workouts while feeling so icky. how is your house selling going?

no workout this morning. i got up early enough, however i decided to finish reading this book i am so into. hopefully this evening, me, dh and MIL (visiting from nj) are supposed to go to the gym. i love working out with dh, he pushes me to my limits.

hello to all the violets who follow...
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hey SunnyD!

So your MIL will go to the gym with you guys? That's great!:)

The house selling is not "going" cause we haven't put it up for sale yet! LOL My DH is being his usual self and procrastinating on getting anything done around here that's needs doing before we can put the "for sale" sign in the yard! GRRR!x(

I am on the mend, I am happy to say...just don't want a relapse which is why I decided to opt out of the gym today after all. :)

Heather, Sounds so nice to be able to go for a swim in the mornings.
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hi Guys! Happy Friday!

Well the Doc called. My hip x-ray is normal! x( I'm grateful, but WTH? Something is not right w/ my leg! UGH! He wants me to take ibuprofen 3x a day if needed.

I walked for an hour after we went to Open House for my son going to 3rd grade. I felt pressure BEHIND my knee today. I think I'm going to call him and tell him I want to have an MRI. If it feels ok later, I'm going to do R to the C. I started yesterday but something came up. Holy crap it's tougher than S&L!

Family night at the gym SD! That's so cool! Have a good time!

Hugs right back at ya Heather! RS is one of my favorites too. Have a nice weekend!

Hi Jean! Glad you got your HRM back. I've got to get one of those. Good to hear from you!

Wendy tell DH to get to it so you can get that sign up!! Glad you're starting to feel better. 5 weeks tomorrow Girlfriend! I can't wait!

Well DH and I are cleaning out DS's closet and toys. Then hopefully I can get Jari in or some sort of toning work. Check back with you guys later!

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hey Kali! Sorry to hear about your hip/leg troubles! Definately push for more tests if you are not satisfied w/the diagnosis..or go for a second opinnion!

Okay, so it's crazy weather her right now! Started with pounding rain and wind and now a thunderstorm (which I am PETRIFIED of!:eek: ). I can't wait for it all to end!!!! *bites fingernails nervously*

Great news everyone! I bought a jogging stroller!!! I ordered it just a little while ago online! Even with shipping it's a better deal at this place online than if I were to buy one in a regular store!!! I am soooo excited! :7 :7 :7 I need to stop buying stuff for a while though. I have spent a ton of $ in short order on fitness stuff lately...mostly for running! EEK! :eek: Thank goodness I pay the bills!:p ;) I was going to put off the jogging stroller purchase until after having baby #2 but that's not happening in the NEAR future and everyone is telling me that they re-sell great so it's worth it to buy a single now, sell it once #2 comes and put that cash towards buying a double! I resisted for a while but knew in the back of my mind that I'd cave eventually! ;)

Edited to Add: 5 weeks? WOO HOO! It's on my calender!:7
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Wendy, congrats on the jogging stroller. I see them in our neighborhood all the time.

Kali, sorry to hear about the leg. Has your doctor suggested you going to a physical therapist? I was having trouble with a muscle in my outer hip area right around the hip bone. The pain would come and go. Some days more than others. I asked my doctor about it and he suggusted I go to a physical therapist. I was skeptical because I thought they would just show me some exercises to do. Well yes, showing me stretches and exercises was part of it. But she also educated me on how this one little muscle connected to the larger muscles and how if I didn't get the smaller one to strenghten and heal, the larger muscles would be affected by it. (I had already started to experience some of the bad effects, range of motion, poor compensation etc. and didn't even know it.) I ended up going for 2 weeks and then doing the exercises at home, because even with my insurance it was rather expensive. If helped a lot.

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hey ladies,

I am late checking in today. I have been running around like crazy the last couple of days and haven't had a chance to exercise or have been too tired! I will probably do a video other than cathe to put alittle of variety and then start back on my rotation with cathe tomorrow.

It was very hard dropping my kids off at High school today. It was like dropping them off to kindergarden! You know it is another big step in their life. I was so worried about them all day at work and darnit if they didn't come home smiling and loving it! I guess I should be glad, but I added on another 10 grey hairs on my head worrying about them!

Need to buff up my diet right now since I am stressed out and people are bringing desserts to school!x( :9 Walk by me with a cheese cake and I will run you down! But I will clean up my act this weekend.

Kali-I hope your leg/hip gets to feeling better! Maybe the motrin will work. I know the naproxen I took for three weeks helped, but I still have a hint of something isn't right. I have no pain exercising or when I walk, it is just when I sit too long or walking after sleeping all night. I will go on until something gets worse.

Hello to all you ladies!

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hi guys. Just wanted to pop in quixkly. Awesome on the stroller Wendy!!
Hi to all of you and great job. Good luck with the hip Kali.
Sorry to be so brief. Rest day today.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]

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