Shrinking Violets....TGIF!!! 8/11


Good morning!!!! I am up waaaaayyy too early! I think I may be going back to bed for a little while!

I've decided on a new rotation. Fat loss and definition. It is July 03' I believe. So today is CTX UB which I don't have so I will do PUB. I am sooo not used to just doing UB! LOL!

Jean, I'm planning a GTG here at my house sometime in Sept. or Oct. I'd say. You are more than welcome! Everyone is! I live in Northeast PA. between Wilkes Barre and Scranton. Where are you?

Wendy and SD, I am sooo psyched about getting those wo's!!

Meggy, hang in there. We're here for you. Hope everything goes well today. You are a strong woman remember that.

Well I'm off to get my workout done. I have to go Colormax a DC's hair later this morning.

Have a great Friday all!!

Good morning kali and the rest of the gang.....

Kali-i am pretty psyched also. if i still lived in that area i would join you guys.

today's workout was progressive strength and then 30 mins of the ellipical. i feel worked out and refreshed. time to get the day started, LOL

i am sooooooo happy it's friday!!

have a wonderful day everyone:D
Hey Kali and Sunny and all who follow!

I should get a job as a Sales Rep for Jari! I'd be rollin' in the $$$ by now!:p

Went out last night. Had a blast but now I'm payin' for it as I'm uber tired. I'm going out for a short run this morning w/my new garmin to test it out and then I have to get movin' on packing. I'm leaving for a/c at noon. I'll be back on Sunday. :)

Kali, In September my weekends are open right now. Labor Day weekend I have plans but I don't suspect you'd want to have the GTG then anyway!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Good morning all. This morning was another morning jog. 40 min 3+ miles and another voice popped up in my ipod nano. I didn't recognize this person and I already forgot her name. I'm already trying to figure out how to plan on extending my time or distance each day so I can hear another athletic celebrity. Of course my body is not in agreement with that plan (yet!).

Maeghan, hope all goes well today. You're going through a lot right now, so try to take it easy.

Wendy, Marketing Director for Jari, Sounds good. I haven't check out those videos. I feel like I would be cheating on Cathe. LOL.

Kali, I'm not close to you, but I travel alot. What is the closest airport to you?

Heather, great job on getting your workouts in. Now make sure you get your sleep it. It will catch up with you.

Sunnydelite, strength and eliptical, great combination. I've been slacking on my weights this week. Just felt like cardio for some reason, which is probably a good thing because my endurance has really been suffering. So I need to build it back up again.

Since it's Friday, it's time to post my stats.

My Weekly Stats
July 14, 2006 132.5 Shrinking Violets Start Weight
July 28, 2006 131 Accumeasure (caliper read 16) = 27.9%) ; Tanita = 32%
Aug. 4, 2006 131 Accumeasure (caliper read 15) = 26.3 % ; Tanita = 31%
Aug.11, 2006 130 Accumeasure (caliper read 15) = 26.3 % ; Tanita = 30%

Change in weight since last week = 1 lb Total lbs Lost 2.5

The scale is moving slowly, but at least it's moving in the right direction.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Way to go JEANIE!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!! Keep it up Girl! I have to weigh and measure. I've been afraid to! UGH!
The Scranton/Wilkes Barre airport is about 5 min. from my house! Maybe you can come!

I'm thinking the last weekend of September. How does that look to you guys? I have to ask Robin too.

Yes Wendy you should be a sales rep for jari!! LOL! Hope you win a ton of money in AC!! Have fun!

Glad you enjoyed your wo SD. I went back to bed and still have to do PUB. I have to go backwash the pool and I'm on it.

Hope you're doing okay Meg! Thinking of you!

Hello to All who follow!

Did a short run...1.5 miles...just to test out my garmin forerunner. It's waaay cool! :+

Off to atlantic city in just a matter of minutes!

Have a great weekend and I'll send for you ladies if I hit it BIG!;)
Thank you Kali and Jean.
The doc appt went alright. Connor now has croup, so he gave me a steroid for him if the cough gets real bad. His doc is working in the hospital this weekend so he will call me if something bad shows up on his bloodwork. Otherwise he will talk to me Mon about the blood and catscan results.
I have major DOMS today everywhere! I love it, except in my neck! I think I slept wrong on it so it is a bit sore.
The weather is gorgeous here today.
I haven't done a WO yet, probably will tonight.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]

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