Shrinking Violets Sunday 8/6


Hey flower girls!;)

Well, I have conquered the 4 miler outside as of this morning! WOO HOO!:7 It took me a long time though..I ran slow...12 min miles so it took me 48 mins. I hate that I have to run so slow outside but I'd rather do it slow than not at all. Speed will come in time though...I can be patient.

Tomorrow is my class in the evening so all I have on tap for tomorrow before that is Ripped to the Core. Easy day for me. ;) I hope the weather stays pleasant for my class tomorrow evening. It's not humid today. Warm, but not sticky. I LOVE IT! :)

My uncle is visiting from Florida this afternoon. He's a riot so it will be a fun day. He doesn't get to see Joey often so he's thrilled to be able to come and play with the little guy. :) Joey's middle name is Howard, which was my dad's name. My dad passed away in 95 and the uncle that is coming is my dad's baby brother. They were close so my uncle took it super hard when his brother passed. Having a great-nephew that is his big brother's name-sake means a lot to him. I am also happy that I was able to honor my dad this way. :)

Okay *sniff sniff*, I'm gonna make myself cry now...enough with the sappy talk!


Hope everyone is having a great Sunday...I'll probably be back later in the day!
I am running out the door for groceries, but I just did 2 miles running on the TM and then RS! I feel great, but beat!
Great job Wendy!! That is really nice to do that to honor your dad! I hope you have a wonderful visit!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
Well, right after I left to go shopping I got a phone call to go to the hospital. My 2 yr old Connor had a seizure and they were bringing him by ambulance. This is the second one in less then 2 months. He spiked a high fever out of nowhere and went into a seizure. My mom and dad jumped in the pool with him to cool his body down and he came out of it. I found out he has the Coxsackie Virus, and has sores all over his mouth and throat! I had NO idea he was sick. He was totally fine and no fever. He was drooling, but I thought his molars were coming in. Very scary. A fever caused this Frembrile Seizure last time too. He goes to his Ped tomorrow, and he will probably run some tests (which he said last time if it happened again), but it is at the perfect age for it I guess. I hope he feels better, and he is very contagious, so I hope Chase doesn't get it, or me and DH!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
I will Wendy!
We have some appts in the morning so I will update you all in the afternoon sometime! Thank you!
Is off to give another dose of Tylenol and hit the sack!
Good night!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
Megan-i am so sorry to hear about conner. please keep us informed of his progress. (((((hugs))))))

Wendy-that is a sweet story about joey's name. good job on the run.

yesterday wound up being an unscheduled rest day for me.

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