Shrinking Violets - Sun. 7/30/06


Good Morning all.

This morning I planned on going for a short jog then GS Legs. Got to bed too late so when the alarm went off at 4:30, I knew there was no way I could do both. I stayed in bed for another hour then did the GS. I'm off to church and then to office for some catchup work at my part time job. Hope everyone has a great day.

Yesterday's Food - Not so good

Cherrios with FF milk & sugar
WW Toast with cinnamon and & sugar

Subway Roast beef
2 bites of DD cookie

Boston Market Kids plate Turkey with mashed potatoes
3 boston Market corn breads
6 sliced of cinnamon apples

Graham crackers & ff Milk

I'm suppose to have protein with each meal, instead I made sure I had sugar with every meal LOL.
Jean: Don't fret over the goofed eating day. Start fresh today. You can do it!:) If it makes ya feel any better, my dinner was FAAAR from clean as well! :9 }( :9

So I too was supposed to get up early to run but that did not happen so I'll probably hit the gym for a short but hilly TM run instead.}(

Must get moving...have a great day everyone!:)
Ok, company is gone.....whew! I mean it was hard company too, the kind that does make themselves at home.....I am pooped plus GS has been teething a BIG tooth - Ha so I will post my plan either later tonight or in the morning and maybe get to some personals -- but my challenge is going to be on my eating! Clean - and I am working on building my endurance - I am going to eat a larger breakfast than usual. I will have two fruits and 3 veggies a day, protein at every meal and about 20% good fats, I may adjust my carbs occasionally but I think will be fine - one treat meal per week - SUnday either a meal or a dessert - not both.

Have a great day!
Hey Kathy...So what's it gonna be today? A treat meal or dessert? :9 }( :9

So I did a 30 min/2.75 mile hill run at the gym. I did one of the pre-programmed ones. I punched in my speed, the level w/o I wanted and the time and the TM did the rest. It was basically like running up a huge hill where it flattened out periodically and then started climbing again. The highest was a 5% grade and I hit that like 3 times through out the work out. It was great and I was surprised that I didn't have to slow down at all!:D

Well, I gotta hit the shower now!

Kathy...Dessert! YUM! What are you having? :9 :9 :9

Well, my food has been good today but probably not enough!

1) 1/2 apple, bowl of cheerios, ff milk
2) veggie burger w/cheese and lf mayo on ww bread
3) apple and lf cottage cheese

That's it.x(

Now it's time to make dinner...I guess I'll have a snack while I'm cooking. Gotta go figure out what's on the menu!:9
Hello ladies...

My computer is back and fixed, wooohooo!!

kathy-what's for dessert?

wendy-did you get to workout?

Well i've decided to "bring it", lol...i began the lean rotation of P90x this morning. today's workout was core synergetics. a great core workout. it made me realize how weak my core is...:(

i am also gonna start the clean eating challenge today.

so far i've had 1)cup coffee, protein shake, cheese egg beaters, 2 rice cakes with tuna and lite mayo, 10 cherries (yummmy), turkey pepperoni and a banana. tonight for dinner is tacos (thanks to wendy mentioning early this week:D ) made with lean ground turkey and i am skipping the sour cream}( .

i hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend!
Food for today - not so clean, but at least lean until dinner


WW Toast w/ peanut butter


Lowfat cheese

Tortilla Soup, Chips, 3 beef fajita nachos of DH's.
No WO for me today either. I really am not feeling well. I have an autoimmune disease called Sardoidosis. I have been doing well, just joint pain on and off in my hands. But I have noticed some symptoms creeping up on me, especially today. The main one is EXTREME fatigue, which can almost be debiitating at times. That could be why my WO's Thur and Fri weren't as long or as intense as usual.
I am really hoping that maybe I am just drained or something, and NOT having a flare up. My stomach has been all over the place tonight too.
Anyway, I will just see how I am feeling in the morning and go from there. I am hoping to do a little yoga before bed tonight.

Anyway, Jean- how are those Slimfast things taste wise?

Today was Kashi cereal
1/2 a BB pancake (since DH made them before he knew I ate cereal), with sugar free syrup
WW bagel with PB
Dinner-some deepsea fish of dad's, couple bites of chicken, corn (only one lol)
THE CRAP--handful of chips and dip, and some of moms macaroni salad

Other then that CRAP, it wasn't too bad.

You girls are doing great! I think this check-in is really cool!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
It feels like I have been gone forever!

Jean - That is funny - your line about sugar with every meal....I know the feeling -- it doesn't look too bad at all!

Wendy - I am jealous of your run -- I begin mine outdoors for the first time since I have had GS in approximately two weeks - I am excited!

Sunny - Way to go - that is pretty creative eating!

Maeghan - (((Hugs))) sorry you aren't feeling up to par - hope it passes quickly.

OK! I have not worked out since Thursday - I have people in my workout area at all times until today and I was worn out! and my eathing was awful. *sigh* but today was OK -

M1 - homemade oat bran and blueberry muffins 2
M2 - Turkey breast and a nectarine
M3 - Turkey breast and 1 cup mixed veggies, (carrot, celery, broccoli, grean beans, sweet peppers)
M4 - Turkey breast and 1 cup mixed veggies, (carrot, celery, broccoli, grean beans, sweet peppers)
M5 - Vanilla Ice Cream with vanilla wafers.....

Tomorrow is back to the grind - I am looking forward to it!

Here is my plan:
M - CC6, Yoga in the evening
T - Slim and Lean - TJ Fat Blaster,Yoga in the evening
W - CC5. Yoga in the evening
T - Muscle Endurance - TJ CP Live Remix, Yoga in the evening
F - Imax 3,Yoga in the evening
S - Ripped to the Core, Yoga in the evening
S - Yoga Shakti - Basic Flow

Have a great night!

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