Shrinking Violets......Saturday, 8/26


Where is everyone today?? My goodness!

Wendy how was your class? When is the race again?

Jean-I'm going to talk to my Doc on Monday and see what he says. I'm definatley going to push for more tests or PT like you said. They say it's just from working out on it, and if that's true, then great...I'll deal w/ it. I just think there's more to it.

I just got my walk in yesterday. So I'm going to do R to the C now. I think I'll go w/ 5's and 8#'s today instead of 3's. I'll see how my leg feels tho. Maybe I'll do some cardio afterwards. MAYBE!

It's cloudy and rainy here today. Tomorrow too I believe. It's supposed to be nice next week tho when the boys start school. I'll have Thurs. and Fri. all to myself and then it's back to work!

Off to workout! Have a good afternoon anyone who checks in!

Hey Kali!

Let us know how you do with increased weights on RttC! You should do fine! I don't need to use any 3's in that one so you shouldn't either!

My class was EXCELLENT! I am sooo excited for the race! It's a week from today!:+

Here's the run down on this morning's class/run:

The course is TOUGH! LOTS OF HILLS!!! It was also raining so there was mud and puddles to deal with...pain in the butt and can slow you down....

The first part is a gradual climb through open grass. It then turns to a dirt/gravel trail and it goes straight up , flattens out for a few seconds and then up again ! These hills take you through a wooded area. Then there is a series of small "rolling hills". After this you come out of the woods and it flattens out again for a few mins and then on to what they affectionately call "the bowl". It's a huge semi circle that goes down, around and then back up. At the end of the bowl is another super steep section before it flattens again. This is all about the first half of the run. After the bowl it flattens out nicely for quite a while through open area and woods. Closer to the end in the woods there are a couple of smaller hills and then it's flat back through the open grass to the finish.

I DEFINATELY could have found an easier 5k to start with! LOLOL

Anyway...My time was 35.59. I am very happy with that considering that I had to walk or atleast slow down considerably on some of the hills. Even the steep downhills cause I was afraid of falling. When I ran a 5k on the boardwalk a couple of weeks ago I did it in 34.25 and I didn't walk at all! Having only added 1.34 mins on to my time for this course far exceeds what I thought I'd do! I'm thrilled! Now if I don't throw up next saturday morning, all will be good!

Good luck with your hip issues, Kali! I really hope you get an answer that you are satisfied with!
Hey Kali and Wendy,

I haven't exercised in a few days I have planned. But I about to get off of here to do a workout. I think I will do a non-cathe workout,as I am in the mood for somthing different today.

Kali-Yeah I hope you find out what's wrong with your hip! I've become so frustrated with doctors and PT that I have said the heck with it! Well until it seems to get worse. It doesn't bother me when I workout, I just kind of feel a stiffness when sitting or inactive for a while. I guess I'm stubborn, but I am keeping on while I can! You're probably doing the right thing though.

Wendy-I am tired just reading about your run! You're doing great girl!:7

Hello to all of the other violets!


Hi Kim! Let us know what work out you do! Want to come run with me girl? ;)

Oh yeah, I exchanged phone #s with a girl from my running class today that I have been chatting with every class for the past several weeks. After the race we are going to try to get together once a week to run together! That should be a nice change for me!:)
Hey Wendy! I end up doing a tape i got about three years ago. It is called chizel-It11. It isn't cathe but it is still a vigorous workout! It was cardio while working with weights then some cardio by itself with a great ab workout at the end. I just can't stand the guys voice though!It seems that the male instructors get on my nerves! Well anyway I only got through half of it before my SIL called and it totally ruined me from going back after she wanted to be long winded! So I feel like I didn't accomplish a thing. But I am one that thinks I have to finish the whole workout to consider have exercised! I know, I am weird!:p And to think I stopped to talk to her when she would lie to me on the phone!x( But,that is another story one day!

My eating sucked today! I didn't eat bkf, and I ate McDonald's for lunch. I hate when I do that! You ladies will really have to help me here. I can guarantee that where there is stress,there are 5,000 calories waiting for me! I know I have the will power, but can't quite get a hold of it! I have had it before and it seems to be hiding somewhere!

Wendy, you probably could run circles around me! Give me about six months and maybe I can run beside you! Right now we wouldn't be running in the same zip code!:7 I would be running behind you calling long distance. Heck No! I'm not going running with you!!:7 You go girl!!!:)

Oh, and I'm going to chili's to eat for supper so pray that I eat right!

Kim..LOL, you act as if I run FAST or something!:7 :7 :7 I've gained a ton of endurance but I'm certainly not what you call FAST...not by ANY means!:p Eat well at Chili's! I'm going to the Macaroni Grill so I KNOW I will be eating badly!}( :9 }(

Hey Wendy! Macaroni grill is right beside the chili's I'm going to eat at! What kind of food do they have there and is it good? Dah! I guess it is good if you eat there huh?

I am still trying to build up my endurance! Can't wait to get a new treadmill so I can start running! Gotta wait till b-day next month.:-( Other treadmill's motor died just after I started to run when heel got better. Great timing huh?

Have a good supper!

Hey guys!!!!

Kali- don't give up on that hip! Same weather here!

Kim- don't worry about the eating, you will get it! How was dinner?

Wendy- very impressed with your pics! You look amazing! And Joey has got to be the cutest thing going!

I just ran 3 miles steady state on the TM. I had no walking breaks at all!! Yay me! It felt really great. I am sure I could have gone more, but of course Connor woke up crying and wanted mamma!

My eating was so-so today. Mostly good. I did have a delicious homemade BB muffin this morning. BB are good for you ya know!:p
Plus I did have 3 mazzarella sticks from BK, YUK!
Oh well. I am hungry from that run though- oatmeal I think!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]

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