Shrinking Violets..Saturday 8/19


Good afternoon Ladies!

Sorry I missed you guys yesterday.

SD- I'm sorry to hear about DH's Grandma and all your plans getting cancelled. Life has a weird way of stepping in sometimes unfortunatley. Glad to hear you got your wo's tho! I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait!

I'm off to do cardio and abs. I got off my stupid rotation AGAIN, so I'm just winging it till my wo's get here which will be this week sometime. Then I'm going to make something up with them and Cathe cardio.
Well I didn't "shrink" this week, but I didn't gain either. Thank Goodness! My eating hasn't been to bad. Just not enough as usual. 2 more weeks and I'll be back to work, the kids will be in school, and I'll be able to get back into my routine. I so need a set routine. LOL!

Well I'm off to workout. Hope you're all well!

I'm back. Guess everyone is busy today.

I did C&W's. I did all the weight work at tempo instead of the counts Cathe did and I felt it more! I want to start getting used to more reps before my wo's get here.
I'm finally eating today. I'm having grilled catfish, 2% cottage cheese and a piece of baked zucchini. YUM-E!

Going to church this afternoon w/ the boys and just hanging out at home tonight. Probably shoot darts w/ DH.

Hello to anyone who shows up!

Hey Kali and everyone who follows,

Kali I am good for not finishing rotations, I guess it is something I will do one day! Exercising is something I hoped to do today and just can't find the energy. I have alittle time in between but think I will put off till tomorrow:-( I am thinking,okay thinking of doing a rotation on Monday! HaHa! lets see how far that one goes!:p

I started off good during the week with my eating and then started going downhill. I think I didn't have enough variety on my menu,so I got very bored with what I was eating. Don't think I gained, but I definitely didn't shrink! I have a goal of losing 20 pounds by May 07' or even better before then. And i know my diet is my number killer of losing weight!x( I am a stress eater, and boy can I pack it in!

Kali, I wish I could make it to your GTG but it is hard for me to get away with kids and all. They have so many things to do,I need a darn calendar! I know you gals will have a great time!

Wish you could make it too Kim! I understand tho! Maybe another one will happen next year more centrally located and more of us will be able to gtg!

Well my eating is AOK for the first time in MONTHS on the weekend!

We had turkey franks and turkey sausage patties on ww buns! I know they are not superclean but HEY they're hot dogs and sausage!
Normally I would probably have a cheesesteak w/ mushrooms, pizza, all CRAP! But not today! YAY for me!

Hope everyone is well!


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