Shrinking Violets - Sat. 8/5/06


Good Morning all.

Today will be a rest day for me. I am going shopping with DD. It is Tax Free Weekend so the mall will be a made house. I hope to find some running shoes while I'm out today. Last night DH & I went to see Talladega Nights. I thought it would be really stupid, but it was pretty cute. We had one lady in the theater that laughed so loud and so long that it made the movie even funnier. DH and I were thinking "She really needs to get out more" LOL

Hi Guys.

Hope you're having fun shopping Jean. Tax Free Weekend huh? We don't have anything like that here. Sounds great tho. Glad you had fun last night.

Well we didn't get to see the band. We ran into people we know at the bar we went to and ended up staying there. Had a great time tho.
I only had a salad in a spinach bowl which was really good.

Today was supposed to be Lowmax for me but I have DOMS everywhere and opted to swap w/ tomorrow's wo which is a 30 min. run, (so I walked for an hour) and a segment of Coremax which I'm about to do now. Hopefully I'll be up for Lowmax tomorrow. I really want to try to stick to this rotation.

Well off to finish my workout and go in the pool. Have a great afternoon ladies.

Hello to anyone else who checks in!

Wendy! You look great in your new avatar!

Hello ladies,

today is a rest day for me. i have housework and shopping (it's also tax free weekend in nc) to do.

jean=have fun shopping!

kali-enjoy your DOMS:D

hello to all that follow.
Shrinking Violets Check-in

Happy Saturday! I slept until 8:00 a.m. this morning then did my Bible study and Step, Jump, & Pump. My workouts are energizing me now instead of wiping me out. I am amazed at how much more energy I have now that I am getting to bed at a decent hour every night.

Have fun today. Texas is having a sales tax holiday this weekend, so it is time to go shopping!

Jean, have fun shopping this weekend. I am hoping to find some more Nike Shox. A huge sporting goods store just opened here, so I am excited! Your comment about the woman in the movie theater made me laugh! :7

Kali, have fun in the pool. The sales tax holiday is great. Even better is not having a state income tax in Texas. I love Texas! Did I read that you are Italian? If so, I want you to cook for me if I ever get to meet you. I love Italian food! :9

Sunny, I forgot to respond to one of your posts. You asked why Austin is weird. I just wrote that “Keep Austin Weird” is the unofficial slogan. I see it on bumper stickers and t-shirts. I have not spent enough time there to form an opinion. I have heard that there is a hippie element there, including a “clothing optional” beach called Hippie Hollow. If you like skinny dipping and sunbathing in public in your birthday suit, you might like Austin! :7

Wendy, I love your new avatar. :) Which album has the new pictures of Joey? You have so many albums!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Sunny, Austin isn't weird all over. It is a college town and it's the Capitol of TX so very diverse. We have friends there that live in a wonderful neighborhood with good schools. There is a river that runs through Austin and it has a hugh park along the river. Lake Travis is close by. I have heard of some of those wild college parites on the lake though.

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hi Ladies.

I just got done doing Ripped but I skipped it's ab work and then did CTX All Step cardio and abs.}(

Jean, The pics of Joey are in one of the last albums. The album is titled "Joey". Enjoy!:)

Thanks re: the avitar. :+

Heading out to a dog park shortly so gotta run!

Have a great evening!:)
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

I have had no WO today, guess it is a rest day. I will try some yoga or stretching before bed. I did alot of gardening and worked this morning. When I had a chance to sit down, I had to get back up cuz I would have passed out and not been able to function the rest of the day.

My eating has been really good today.
Good night guys.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]

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