Shrinking Violets Monday 7/31


Hey there!

Meg: Hope you feel better in the morning! Did you get that yoga in?

Kathy: Can't wait to hear about your running! That's very cool! Soon you'll have to pop over and check-in with the Cheetahs as well!:+

Sunny: Yeah, I worked out today, girl! I posted what I did above your post! You obviously didn't read everything. Shame shame! LOL :p

Don't ask me why I'm up at almost 3am!...I am sooo aggravated!!! DH had a coughing fit at about 1am and woke me up...15 mins later DH stopped coughing and fell back to sleep...I have not slept a friggin' wink since! ARGH!x(

Come day light, if I'm not napping every chance I get (LOL!) my intention is to do Ripped to the Core and then I have my running class in the evening.

Hope everyone has a good day!:)
Wakey wakey, ladies! I didn't get back to bed until 4am so don't tell me I'm the only one awake right now! :p
Shrinking Violets Check-in

Good morning! I am ready to roll! My kitchen is stocked with high-quality fuel for my workouts. I enjoyed a rest day yesterday and took a long nap. I steamed some organic brown rice and boiled a few organic eggs yesterday afternoon for this week. My meals and snacks for today are packed and ready to go.

I finally got back on track with my morning workouts last week. All my Cathe workouts were morning workouts! Getting to bed by 11:00 p.m. is making a big difference in my energy level and focus! :)

After my Bible study this morning, I did Kick, Punch, & Crunch. The pikes are still out of my league. I am hoping that they will be easier when my butt is lighter! ;-) I need more core strength too.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

I decided to ease back into my WO's since I still wasn't feeling 100% today. I did 20 min on TM at 3% incline, PLB stability ball, and PUB abs.
So far just Kashi cereal, and a Cliff bar during my WO. Off to shower, kids to bed, and lunch. WBBL!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Good Afternoon ladies,

Wendy- oops, you are right i didn't read. hey, i am up at 4:30 in the mornings now (yuck). just don't have time to check in before going to work.

heather-sounds like you are on a roll girl!

melody- i hope you feel better soon.

this morning's workout was Imax2. even though i am called his tony's cardio and i substituted.

so far this mornings eating was breakfast-kashi bar & snack-2 hb eggs and turkey pepperoni. hopefully i can add a smiley face after today is over:D . i had to literally force myself to eat something this morning as today was ds #2 first day at daycare...:(

anyone doing cathe's aug rotation? looks good!

jean- i just read your posts on friday and we are contemplating something. up in the air now. if i do relocate i wil be sure to hook up with you! heather you too!! Question-why would you not want to have a child in the dallas school district? are they not good?

Heather-what do you mean about austin being "weird"?
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

SunnyD...Isn't it now the final countdown until your cleaning lady starts? Excited? :) Let us know how DS # 2 did in day care today!
hi, ladies
I have been missing in action, but i am back.
food for today
1/2c kashi heart to heart
1/2c kashi go lean
1/2c honey bunches of oats
2 slices of whole wheat bread
1 cup of silk soy milk vanilla

baby carrot
1 peach

1 cup of white rice
1c green split peas
1/2c of okra

1 banana
1 apple pink lady

1/2c of red beans
1 nectarine
1/2c white rice
1/2c cabbage

basic taebo total 1
Meg- Great job on the work out. 20 mins steady on a 3% incline is not easy!}(

Violet- Nice to see you back here. Great job on the food!

ETA: My food....

1) cheerioes w/ff milk

2) apple and lf cottage cheese

3) chicken salad made with lf mayo on ww bread

4) salad w/cuke, olives, cheese, veggie burger and cottage cheese in it plus a little dressing.:9

5) not sure yet

6) probably cereal again!:9
Hi ladies -- I was late to work today and have not stopped except to eat!

Wendy - How are you enjoying Jari Love? I was awake....just late!!!!

Megadoo - Hope you are on your way up!

Sunny - I have to check out the August rotation -- it is up early!!!

Purple - Nice to meet you, I was missing for a bit myself!

My plan for this week:
M - CC6, 58 Minutes, 447 calories burned, HR 76% average/97% max, Yoga in the evening, Done except Yoga
T - Slim and Lean - TJ Fat Blaster,Yoga in the evening
W - CC5. Yoga in the evening
T - Muscle Endurance - TJ CP Live Remix, Yoga in the evening
F - Imax 3,Yoga in the evening
S - Ripped to the Core, Yoga in the evening
S - Yoga Shakti - Basic Flow

Food For Yesterday
M1 - Homemade oat bran and blueberry muffins
M2 - Turkey breast, nectarine
M3 - turkey breast, 1 cup mixed veggies
M4 - turkey breast, 1 cup mixed veggies
M5 - vanilla ice cream with lowfat vanilla wafers

Have a great day ladies!!!!!!
wendy- the cleaning lady comes on thurs, wooooooooooohoooooooooo!!!! am i just a little excited:D

ds #2 was quite upset at daycare today. which of course made mama upset also. i went into work crying. luckily my supervisor just put her son in a daycare and came in crying a few weeks ago. so she totally understood.

ds#1 was disapointed when i picked him up...:( :D

kathy- nice to "see" you again:)

dinner is chicken w/ vegetables.

i did have a small bag of chips today. i won a goodie bag in the united way drawing.
Sunny- sorry it was a rough day with the kiddies. I remember those days all to well with my oldest. It will get better!

Wendy- I forgot to mention that I walked 7 of those 20 minutes LOL!!
But thanks anyway.
Thank you everyone for the well wishes. I still am not sure how I am feeling, if that makes sense. Day at a time.

I had chicken breast and a little couscous for dinner.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
Hey all! I'm back after a horrible weekend of eating--honestly--but I'm ready to get on track for the 30th time...honestly :)

I saw family and had a wonderful weekend. On the way home our car wouldn't start in a pretty desolate town (not even a motel) about 100 miles from where we live. However, we experienced such kindness and generosity from the people in that town and another about 18 miles closer to home, that I am just thrilled, awed, and amazed what some people will do for strangers. I feel truly blessed.

Have a great week!

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