Shrinking Violets....Happy Hump Day 8/23


Good Morning Violets!

Jean hope you're having a good week and the stress level is LOW! :)

Kim- 1/2 of Lowmax is a GREAT wo! Especially when you're crunched for time. I've done that lots of times too. It still gets you good!;-) I would get R to the C. I only did S&L and I love it! :)

Meggy- way to go on the "SHRINKAGE" Baby! Isn't that an awesome feeling? I read it somewhere here the other day, "progress is addicting"! And how true that is! How are things ok? I'd join you & Wendy in the <---thread but I just can't keep up with the 100 + posts most days! LOL!! :7

Wendy- how are you feeling? Did you sleep any better last night?:-(

SD- did you get to the gym w/ DH? Hope you get to try your new wo's soon! ;-)

I feel great this morning. I don't have DOMS, but I can feel like all my muscles which is a GREAT feeling. My leg feels good, and I feel "toned" up. I went light on my weights yesterday for S&L and I'm glad I did. I

I have to tell you guys. It's amazing what 2 days of clean eating can do. I feel different already. I don't feel bloated, I feel energized, just better all around. :D And I know I wouldn't if I wasn't checking in with you guys. I KNOW I cannot do this by myself. So thanks.

Well I'm going to try a mishmosh like Wendy did yesterday and abs. If I feel good enough maybe I'll throw some kind of leg work in there too. First cardio and abs tho.

Off to workout! TTYL!

Good morning ladies,

kali-i didn't go to the gym again last night. my kindergartener had homework:) . so we focused in that and then played a couple rounds of candyland. i also had some friends from nj come over for a visit.

wendy-congrats on your job! what will you do with joey while at work?

this morning i went to the gym again and did a 3 mile treadmill run. it felt great. i don't know where the energy came from but i felt i could run forever...LOL

hello to all that follows....:D

Hi Girls.

Kali, Glad you are eating better these days! Keep it up!:)

SD, The best part of the job is that Joey can go with me!:+ :+ :+

I still feel like dog doo and Joey is still under the weather as well. I think I'm probably worse though! It's only a cold though so I'm gonna fight tooth and nail to continue with work outs despite it! I am taking extra vitamin C to try to combat it.

I have a Cathe endurance vid on tap for today...I just have to decide which one...HMMMM! What do ya think girls? }(

Off to get more coffee!:9
Way to go Kali! It really does make a difference! I have been bloated the last few days, but I started taking a multi vitamin and the iron in it, well, you know! Miserable feelling. SO I stopped taking it for a few days and hope that helps! YUK!
I think you are doing great!!

SD- how cute, homework for a kindergartner!! How is school going for the little guy?? How are YOU doing with it?

Wendy- I so know how you feel about the cold! LOL! I just waited till the cold medicine kicked in enough, and when I didn't need a tissue every 3 minutes, and went for it (the WO). Good luck! Rest when you need to!
I can't wait to get my S&L!!

Not sure what I am doing today. I havve to go to the grocery store now, so I will check in later.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
I am back! I did Imax2. I did squats & lunges during the blasts of the 1st half and I did all 5 of the SECOND! YEEAAAHHH!! I felt good so I went for it. Then I did abs from SJP. My leg feels AOK for the time being anyway. Going to eat and do some Cleanmax again today.

SD- glad you got to the gym. So sweet you guys doing homework and Candyland. My DS's are always thrilled to sit and play games w/ us.

Wendy- did you decide on a wo? I'm going to do ME Saturday. I hope you feel better! :-( Keep it up w/ the extra C.

Thanks Meggy. I cannot take too much iron or calcium for that matter. Let us know what wo you decided on.

Off to eat! That's big for me! LOL!

Hey girlies,

Well here it is after nine and I haven't eaten any bkf and don't know what I want. I just have to eat clean today ladies! But anyways, I have to do HSTA today and boy that is a doozy of a workout! I will probably do it this afternoon or tonight late. I have to get my hair cut at 11:30 today and then take dd to cheering practice and then be at work tonight from 4-7:00. I will get this workout in like I did yesterday! By the way, my dh doesn't know that I'm getting my hair cut and probably won't like it! It is below my shoulders and it is getting on my nerves! So I will probably get it just touching my shoulders. Yikes!

Kali-I start out eating good and then as the day goes on I mess up royally!I am really bloated right now! I hope I can start eating clean and start the shrinkage!:) Good job on your clean eating!:)

SD-I felt like the homework the Kindergardners have were really for parents! But it is really fun making and doing all the stuff they bring home. Sounds like you had a great run!:)

Wendy-I hope you and joey get to feeling better! I know it is frustrating feeling the way. Oh,and you know you want to do ME!}(

Maeghan-Girl I hate going to the grocery store! I rather get beaten by a horse whip! It takes me a long time also! Hope you have a good workout in whatever you decide to do!

Have a great day ladies,

I'm sure your hair will look great shoulder length Kim! Good luck w/ the running again today! x(

I was going to have eggs for breakfast again, and I saw the hard boiled ones in there and got a craving for egg salad. So I had 1 whole egg and 3 whites in a freaking tsp. of mayo. There is 100 cals. and 11 gr. of fat in 1 tblsp. of regular mayo! Holy crap. Well at least I had it in a ww wrap and I skipped the cheese. It was good tho. I'll just watch my fat content the rest of the day.


wendy-that's awesome. the best of both worlds:+ . i say give ME a whirl:) i really hope you feel better soon...((hugs))

kali-you are doing great with your eating!!! you are the woman, i love me some IMAX 2, lol

meg- i am doing great. the only bad thing is he likes it so much he doesn't even want me to walk him into school anymore..sniff, sniff:D :p how is our guy connor doing?

kim-have a good run. i can't even believe they give kindergarteners homework nowadays. it sure is different!!

anyone checked out the new amy bento workouts coming out soon? if,so are you interested? they look pretty good to me.
Hey! Just didn't have weight work in me today due to my cold. I just finished BodyMax step though and I can do my weights tomorrow.

Talk to y'all later!:*
Got my new DVD's!! S&L and Yoga for beauty Dusk by rainbeau mars.
I would love to do S&L, but my quads are really sore from yestereday, so probably not a good idea. I will give it a whirl tomorrow. I will probably do the yoga tonight. I should do some cardio. Not feeling so hot though.
I am leaning toward doing a one body part a day rotation since I have never done that before. But of course, that leaves little room for Jari. SO maybe I can do her WOs once a week. We will see. I am hoping to do a run, or atleast a good power walk after dinner. The weather is so perfect here right now. Might be good cuz of the cold.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
Well, I set out to do a long, hilly walk, adn wound up running the first half! It felt good, but I can reallly feel the effects of this cold I have. BLAH!
I will start my rotation on Monday, and just do what ever till then.
Hopefully I can do my new yoga DVD tonight.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]

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