Shrinking Violets Friday 8/18


Where is everyone today???
So far just a bagel with PB. Not sure what to have for lunch today, maybe a salad with some tuna.

Workout will be cardio, probably step.

Hope you are all having a good day!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
Hey Meg!

Had to take Joey to his 15 month check up this morning. You know how doctors can chew up a large chunk of time! ACK! x(

I'm off to do Ripped and then I am planning a run tonight on the TM...shooting for my first 5 miler but I have been a bit under the weather lately so I'll see how I feel. I may have to stop short of my goal.

Yesterday was a rest day which was fine but my eating was for cr@p! I was so pist at myself for eating so lousy on a rest day! x( x( x( Today is a new day though and so far so good!:)

What step w/o did you do Meg?

Where's everyone else???
hi, ladies

here is my meals for the day

1C of Shredded wheat and bran
1/2C of Honey bunches of oats
1C of soymilk
small peach

snack before lunch
1 big plum
1 peach
1 1/2 pita bread

1C Corn microwaved plain
1C Peas and Carrots( Since i am still full from the snacks

Dinner, I am not sure yet

You all have a blessed day

Wendy, no WO yet. I pulled something in my neck/shoulder on Wed while trying to do an ab move, but is perfectlly fine yesterday. Well, of course now I am in quite a bit of pain from it. x( I am icing it right now. Plus, when I was putting the kids down for their nap and looking foward to WO, I realized I feel like crap and no motivation to WO. So, sore throat, runny nose, sickly feelin, and lots o pain = no WO.:-(
If I feel better after work tonight, then I might try again. I really want to WO, but I better listen to my body.

I did have a salad for lunch, and 1/3 of a Cliff bar.

Hi Violet--your eating looks great!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
I know how ya feel Meg. Been dealing w/feeling cr@ppy on and off myself since Sunday. ACK!x( Feel better soon!:)
Thanks Wendy-right back at ya.

I wanted to tell you that, I am on the last week of my rotation, so next week I can start doing Jari more, right about the time I will receive Slim and Lean in the mail!! Yay!!
Thank you for your recommendations. Hey, if the gym doesn't call, you should seriously get in contact with Jari and become a sales rep!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
hey ladies...

i finally got a minute to check in.

meg-your eating looks great!

wendy-what's this about a gym calling? did you ever find out why you were feel so lousy? i hope you are feeling better.

kali-i received slim & lean in the mail yesterday!!!

ladies this has been an unbelieveable bad week for me. i have only worked out once this week and eating has been pure cr@p. TTOM:(
my dh's grandma passed away and we are going out of town this weekend for the viewing and funeral on monday. we had to cancel ds#2's bday party which was scheduled for sat. ds # 1 started kindergarten on wednesday. i was nervous all wednesday morning.

i am hoping to get to the gym tonight with dh.

take care everyone !! hopefully i will find a minute to check in this weekend if not i hope everyone has a great weekend
Meggy and Sunny: I actually called the gym the other day. They told me that they are going to be figuring out what kind of help they need for daycare/front desk this coming week. The gal claims I am at the top of the list for consideration if there is an opening so we'll see. Just lookin' to get some p/t work for a little extra $$, SD.

Sunny: Sorry for your DH's loss.:-( Do you have a new date for DS' party yet?

Well, I'm about to take off for the gym with DS...keep your fingers crossed for me that I can get a good solid run in. My hope is to hit the big FIVE MILER tonight. I've never run that far before! I just hit it on the elliptical the other day though. :)

I'll be back to report on how I did!
Hey ladies,

Had planned on working out but it has been a tiring day! I took DD to get her hair highlighted and it took 21/2 hours!x( All that sitting around waiting will make you tired! They say you get more tired from not doing anything! DD hair looked so good! She walked in with dark hair and came out a natural looking blonde. Everyone in the beauty shop was saying how great her hair looked! Even customers were commenting on it!

Well it doesn't stop there as we had to immediately go and get the kids cell phones. I was going to wait one more year but they are into a lot of functions this year. DD just had to have a pink one, and wouldn't settle for anything else! I thought I would ring her neck!! DS of course wanted the black one, he is very easy to please sometimes.

Sorry to babble on, but I will probably pick up my exercising tomorrow and give myself a rest tonight. And by the way my eating sucked today!! I don't even want to reveal what I ate! Yuck!!!!

Have a good night!

Hey guys, well I was feeling a bit better so I just did RS and then 2 segments from SB, plus the challenge on an 8 in step. I limited my arm movements, and did extra stretches. I will probably ice my neck/shoulder night just in case.
SD- sorry about your DH's loss. DOn't worry, I am sure you will be back on track next week.. How is Kindergarten going?

Hi Kim!! ooohh cell phones! Bet they loved that!

Where is Kali today??

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
thanks for the well wishes ladies. loosing someone close to you is always hard.

meg- so far,kindergarten is going really well!!

where's jean and kali???

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