Shrinking Violets Check-in for Monday, August 28, 2006


Good morning, Violets! I had a delightful birthday retreat Friday. I feel refreshed and renewed once again. I took naps, read Ephesians, put on praise music and danced, dared to dream, prayed, pondered, rested, and relaxed.

I checked Cathe’s blog as soon as I got home Saturday night. Wow! I love the outfits and the colors. The set looks nice and bright too. I am so inspired by the way Cathe has stayed in such amazing shape while recovering from an injury and surgery. The whole crew is radiantly beautiful. According to her blog, Body Max 2 was filmed Friday from early in the morning until 10:30 p.m. This gives me a new respect for what they endure to produce these workouts. Wow! I am praying that Cathe and the girls stay strong and healthy. I hope Cathe gets plenty of rest and does not hurt her knee.

I jogged on my rebounder Saturday night and started previewing Muscle Max. It looks really good for a weight training workout. Based on my preview, it appears that I will be able to lift heavier than I usually do.

As a result of my retreat, I have a new game plan for my rotation. I am planning a challenging Cathe rotation for 3 weeks followed by a week of fun workouts. My Hardcore Series rotation will start on Labor Day and will include more weight training than usual. I received my Dynaband from Collage Friday, so I have everything I need now.

I rested yesterday, and this will be a recovery week for me. I am planning to take on my friend’s cardio boot camp class after work just for the challenge. It will be interesting to see much fitter I am since I last attempted this class 8 weeks ago. I am planning to jog in the pool, walk at the lake, or bounce on my rebounder the rest of the week. I also need to finish previewing the Hardcore Series workouts and commit to a 3-week rotation. Last week was a light workout week for me, but I listened to my body and have no regrets.

I keep looking at the pictures in Cathe’s blog. Body Max 2 is the one I was least looking forward to, but that is changing fast. I am so excited about this one after seeing the pictures and reading the updates. Cathe and the girls look amazing, the brown and turquoise outfits are beautiful on them, and I love the bright set with big windows. It appears that the set has a clean and uncluttered look. I like that!

I love Cathe’s lower body workouts, so I am really looking forward to Butts and Guts. I am not wild about the name, but it could have been Butt Max! :7 It looks like it will have some creative and new (to me) moves. I love Cardio and Weights and expect to love Low Impact Circuit. I do not know what to think about Drill Max. It is the mysterious one of the bunch. I have no clue what to expect, and I am anxiously waiting for an update on that one. It is interesting that this is the only one that has not been mentioned in the blog.

Cathe and Chris are giving a lot of forethought and attention to premixes this time. I like that too! I am excited about the bonus footage and special premixes! I knew that these would be worth the wait!

After my Bible study this morning, I checked the blog first thing. I love, love, love the black and red outfits. Wow! Everyone looks so amazing in this series. In my opinion, Cathe and crew look better than ever. I love this look!

I am so excited and inspired to start shrinking! :7

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Good morning Heather! Nice to see such a positive and cheery attitude from you! Don't think I got a chance to say, but Happy Birthday!

I am doing chest and cardio today. Starting a one body part a day rotation. Kinda excited about it.

Wendy- your race route sounds like a doosy!! I am sure you will blast thru it with no problem! Alot of hills! Just remember to breath!

Kali- how is the hip doing today?

SD- how is the little kindergartner doing? Are you having an easier time with the daycare?

Kim-have you gotten all the BTS shopping done yet? We just bought our son a Superman backpack for pre-school! How cute!

Jean- how are the shins feeling today?

Good morning to everyone else!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
Good morning violets,

I've was MIA this weekend. Had alot of running around to do and still had company in the house.

I did get to the gym on friday with dh. we hit back and bi's hard. on saturday i went to the gym again. took the metabolic effect class and then hit legs hard. i still have DOMS:) . sunday was a much needed rest day.
this morning i did ME. i am hoping to squeeze in some cardio later on this evening. that remains to be seen....

heather-sounds like you had a great weekend. i am so excited about the new videos. all of the woman look absolutely amazing.

wendy- i never got to respond-sorry the house selling isn't going any faster. tell dh to get moving, LOL. you sound so excited about your upcoming race. we are all anticipating with you!!!

meg- we were posting at the same time. kindergarten and daycare are both going fine. jaden did have a boo-boo on friday ;o(. your workouts are looking great!! how is connor doing?

good morning to all that follow..i hope everyone has a wonderful day.
i will try to check in again a little later.
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in for Monday, August 28, 2...

Good Morning Heather and Meg!

Happy belated BD Heather. I'm so glad you had a nice day. Good luck w/ your new rotation and stay positive. You sound very happy and peaceful.

Have fun w/ your rotation Meg. I never tried one body part a day, but I've read lots of people like it and get good results from it.
My leg felt good all weekend. I talked to my doc and he's sending me for an EMG which tests the nerves, and a vascular study. (whatever that is I don't know). But he agrees we need to see if there's something going on. So I'm waiting for them to call back w/ my appt.for that. I just have to be sure. I cannot take the chance that something is going on that might get worse. If I can't workout, I will go off the deep end.

I took a rest day yesterday and am planning on ME or PH today. I still feel tight from R to the C Saturday!

Just hanging w/ the boys today and tomorrow. Last 2 days before school. :-(

Hello to All who follow!

Hey SD! Enjoy the DOMS! LOL!

SD- glad it is going well with the kiddies. Connor is finally germ free LOL!! He is much better, back to normal. He does have an appt with the ped neurologist on Sept 25, just to make sure there are no underlying causes of the seizures. We are all pretty sure it is just from the fevers, but it doesn't hurt to have it all checked for certain! Thanks for asking!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
Meg- you are right. never hurts to ask and just to be sure. so very glad to hear he is doing so well! i know how upsetting it is when our little ones aren't well.

Kali-you are loving r to the c (love that name!!) i am enjoying my DOMS are you?:D }( i can't wait for the new jari's to come out. they are supposed to be harder.}( how many sons do you have? i have two..of course you can see that in my avatar:D
Hi Meg and SD! Where's Wendster and Jean today?

Glad your little guy is feeling better Meg.

I have 2 sons too SD. Yours are adorable by the way! They are 8 and almost 7. And of course with school starting the day after tomorrow, my 8 year old may be coming down with a stomach bug. x( He just had some toast.

I'm going for an EMG tomorrow. I DO NOT want needles in my leg. I hope I don't throw up or pass out before hand. LOL. This rots.

I love my boys!!! thanks for compliment:D

oh no Kali- i keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

yea- where is Wendy and Jean..come out, come out where ever you are. LOL
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in for Monday, August 28, 2...

Meg-If you are doing 1 body part a day, where in the world will you fit Jari in? ;)

SD-I'm gonna kick my DH in his boney lil behind if he don't get movin' soon! LOL

Hello Kim, Kali, Heather, Jean and anyone else I may have missed! :)

I did MIC step only (no blast) + 2.77 mile run composed of sprints today! (2nd half of my 60 min Itread w/o)

Have a great day!:)
Good afternoon, Violets! Just 5 hours until cardio boot camp class. I came home and ate some organic whole wheat pasta for energy! I hope it works!

Kali, I will keep you in my prayers. What time is your procedure?

Hugs to Maeghan, Sunny, Wendy, Jean, and the rest of the Violets. I need to get back to work now. See you tonight if I can move! ;-)

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
I'm Here. Just not much time to post. I did get up this morning and did Power sort of an Hour LOL. It has been too long since I did weights. Felt good though. I'll have to check back later and catch up with everyone. I only had a chance to skim the posts. Hope everyone is doing well. I have my 25 year class reunion coming up in a few weeks so send me some strong motivation to eat right and workout hard.

Wendy, I know!!! I had to think about the rotation for a few days, but I've never done one before and am hoping for great results. I think once a week I am going to try a circuity WO, and incorporate some of her moves. If not, if I need to really fry some muscles, I will use some of her moves for my body part being worked that day.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
Hey girls,

Just got home from work and I am pooped! This hot weather and work really kills my energy! I now still have to go pick up dd from cheerleading practice and come home to exercise. And I have scheduled myself BOOTCAMP!!!! I must be out of my mind! Once I get to going I will be glad I did. I think?

Maeghan-I did most of my BTS and still it never ends. DD wanted this blue jean mini skirt yesterday and I was hesitant till she showed me how some girls were wearing them in school. She wore those leggings that are out now under the skirt. I thought it looked darn cute! I tried to convince her yesterday to get these shoes that are flat and they look like ballet shoes. They have the little tie and all. She is still thinking on that one though. She wore her little rainbow flipflops and I didn't like it quite as well. At almost 15 you can't tell them nothing! Oh, and I used to love buying them bookbags when they were young! Now they are so boring and ugly! Now I have to spend a bundle on them to make sure they last all year!

Kali-I hope everything goes okay with your appt. I know it is getting frustrating not knowing what is wrong. I will thinking about you!

Wendy-I have heard so much about this R to the C that I have definitely set that as one of my workouts to order on my b-day! I will probably pre-order some of cathe's new ones. I didn't pre-order earlier on the new ones with my foot and all then. I really wish I had jari's workout but I will have to be patient for right now.

Hey heather,SD and all other violets!

Thanks guys. My procedure is at 1:45. They're also going to do a vascular study which checks the blood flow. I'm nervous about the needles, but I'll be ok. Then hopefully I'll know what's happening.

Kim YOU WILL feel so accomplished if you do BC! Do it Girl!

Hi Jean, Meg, Wendy, Heather, and SD! And Violet too!

I didn't work out today. Hung out w/ DS's all day and now I'm off to work. Tomorrow will be short cardio and S&L! I am loving these workouts!

Have a great night everyone! Talk to you all tomorrow!

Hey girls,

Just finished doing six out of eight intervals of BC and do you feel like sometimes after a workout you haven't really done alot? My dh said he thinks I did enough! My muscle in my hip started bothering me doing the leg part of the BC,its not bad but like a bad knee ache. My hip started aching at work today, so I figured it would flare up during exercise. But all in all I had a pretty good workout.

Figured out I only have about an hour at night for exercise so I might look back at some mish-moshes and maybe get some ideas from there. I can't really exercise in the morning cause my foot is stiff for about 15 mins. in the morning. So right now while I have dd doing cheering and practices, I will have to shorten some things.

Well, I know it’s late, but I finally got a chance to check back in. Hope someone see this.

Heather, your weekend retreat sounds nice. You sound like you are in a great frame of mind. As for Drill Max, think of Boot Camp with a really bossy sargent. LOL. Hopefully it won’t be too scary. Hope your bootcamp class went well.

Maeghan, let us know how you like the one body part a day. Shins are better today. Glad to hear Conner is better. Hopefully the remaining test will all be fine.

Kali, glad you're being persistant with dr. Hope everything goes well tomorrow. Enjoy your last days with the boys before school starts.

Sunnydelight, your weekend workouts sound great. I wish I could get dh to go with me. For a few short days, I thought he was ready, but I thought wrong.

Wendy, MIC and 2.77 miles that sounds like quite a workout. Your race sounds cool. How long is it and is it all cross country style?

Kim, I can’t believe leggings are back. It’s actually a good thing though, I’ve notice that the fashions are longer and cover more this year. Less of the belly and thighs showing so that’s a good thing. I remember shopping with DD(now 19) and we rarely saw eye to eye. Now we do much better. Glad you got your exercise in.

As for the aches and pains we talk about so often, it seems I keep finding something new to bother me. It’s like I get new aches and pains each day. If I don’t work out I’m stiff and feel it in my back, if I do work out, it’s something else, like pain in joints. I love it when it's doms because I know where that came from.

Good Night all. Tomorrow will be Arm and shoulders (body parts I avoided this morning) I wanted to spread it out a little.


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