Shrinking Violets Check-in for March 1-3, 2007


Welcome to March, Violets! Let’s make it a great one!

February was an interesting month. I made a commitment to post my progress every month this year even when my results could have been better. Accountability is important. I experimented with doing my Cathe workouts in the evening instead of in the morning. This plan looked good on paper because it would allow me to sleep later than 4:00 a.m. and still have time for my Bible study. This was definitely not one of my better ideas. As soon as I started working out after work, I hit a plateau and started battling the blues. Morning workouts are far more effective and powerful in every way. Last week, my weight and measurements had not budged a bit since the beginning of the month. I returned to morning workouts this week and dropped 4 pounds. I recorded my results on my Cathe calendar this morning:

-4 pounds in February
-1" chest
-1" waist
-1" abdomen
-1" hips
-0" right thigh
-0" right calf
-0" right upper arm

-20 pounds in 2007
-2" chest
-6" waist
-6" abdomen
-4" hips
-1" right thigh
-½" right calf
-½" right upper arm

I am still loving my Cathe calendar. The picture for March is inspiring me to try the Gym Styles for the first time. I lost a few weeks of progress in February as a result of my evening workout experiment, but there is no time for down time this month. What a timely quote! Cathe is waiting for me, so I am off to enjoy High Step Challenge to blast off this new month. I am looking forward to a victorious March now that I am back on track with morning workouts.

Heather B.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).
Way to go Heather. Keep up the great work.

I will officially weigh and measure tomorrow, because I do mine on Fridays. As of today, the scale is not kind, but we'll see what alot of water today can flush out by tomorrow. LOL.

This morning I got up and did Bootcamp. It was a very weak workout, no engery. I think I need to pay more attention to my eating. I wonder if a protein shake between dinner and bedtime might give me a boost for my morning workout or maybe I should just eat something when I first get up, right before the workout.
I would really like to maximum my workouts and eating since I have a birthday coming up in 2 weeks and I hate the fact that I am at the same place I was last year at this time.

Whats' on tap for everyone else today?

Hi Guys! Sorry I haven't checked in. Crazy here without DH. He should be home the beginning of next week hopefully.

Way to go Heather! You are doing awesome. Keep up the good work.

Jean, sorry you had a crappy workout. Just because the scale doesn't change doesn't mean you're not losing inches. Let's keep our fingers crossed. Maybe a protein shake "would" help. Give it a try.

I am so excited to say I have FINALLY started losing again! I got weighed at work and I'm down 2.5 lbs. since 2/16. I am stoked!

I also found out I need to start walking/running for a couple minutes at a time. No more stepping, lunges or squats for me. I'll be doing floor work, kickboxing, pilates and upper body. I talked to the trainer at work today and found out I'm just building my legs with the workouts I've been doing. Can you imagine? She said she did the same thing for years before she became a trainer and learned how to lean her legs out.

Kim how's it going?

Wendy, fall yet today???? hee hee

Hi Meg!

Hope everyone is well!

Hey Gals!

I'm off to do Yoga X...or atleast part of it. I'm beat so I don't think I will be doing it in it's entirety this evening. I got in a short treadmill work out this morning with the new ITread I bought. Great work out when one is crunched for time!}(

No time for personals tonight. Hopefully I can squeeze them in tomorrow!

Night chickies!:*
Hi girls.

Jean, So did you see good things when you weighed and measured yourself?

Kali, Congrats on the weight loss! ^5's!!!

Meg, Nice work out y'day! What will you do today?

I will most likely be reaching for Cardio X this afternoon...

Have a great day!
Happy Friday Violets!

Thanks Wendy! ^5's back atcha! What does Cardio X look like? Have a fun visit with your friend this weekend!

Jean did you see any results?

I did LIC UB circuit last night with no step at all. I love Cathe's step routines and don't think I can give them up completely. I'm going to ask the PT if doing that is ok.

Today I'll walk/run for an hour on the TM and do some floor work from one of Cathe's leg workouts.

Have a great Friday ladies!

Cardio X is a 45 minute work out that combines some of Yoga X, Plyo, Kenpo X and Core Syn all into one work out. It's not real intense cardio-wise but I still sweat and it's a great work out for variety and/or when you are short on time but want to fit alot in! Many are not a fan of it but I personally enjoy it. :)
I am reviewing Budokon Beginning Practice that I ordered from Collage a few days ago. I just got it today. So far I really like it! I may just have to nixx Cardio X for today so I can try it!}( I'm like a kid. I just can't wait to play with a new toy! LOL

Have a great weekend ladies!:)
Hi everyone. This morning was 45 min of Cardio Fusion. Some day I'll try the full 90 minutes, but today only had time for 1/2 of it.

Since you asked, I did take measurements this morning. Since January 1, I have lost only 1.5 lbs, & 1/2 inch off chest, waist and hips (each). The most amazing thing though is my Accumeasure Caliper reading. It is 2 points lower than January's reading. I sure hope the caliper reading isn't decreased because the fat in that area has gotten squished from taking readings. LOL.(I did take multi. readings to make sure it wasn't a faulty read). So at least I am seeing some improvement, even if it is slow.

Shrinking Violets Check-in

Good evening! After updating my journal and check-ins yesterday morning, I blasted off this new month with High Step Challenge. I lingered on the forums a little longer than planned, so I did a homemade timesaver workout. I did not want to wait until after work. I learned my lesson last month. It is better to do a shorter version of the workout than nothing at all. My upper body was still sore from Muscle Max, so I skipped the second set of a few upper body exercises and saved the ab and core work for last night. This is a fantastic workout. I love it way more than High Step Training. It is more fun than Boot Camp too, and Boot Camp is a blast. The fun music is energizing. I love the fast pace too. This is my favorite high step workout. It makes me feel so good! I wore my Reebok cross training shoes again and definitely want to find another pair. These shoes feel great on my feet.

I bounced on my rebounder last night and did the ab and core work from High Step Training. My eating was clean again.

I enjoyed Stretch Max after my quiet time this morning and bounced on my rebounder tonight after a nice session with my counselor. I am looking forward to a victorious March now that I am back on track with morning workouts.

Jean, any progress in the right direction is worth celebrating. Good job!

Heather B.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hey girls,

I have had a very energitic day! Well it is alittle exhausting too! I am moving the kids rooms around cause I get tired of seeing them the same way! For exercise I did Billy Blank's rock hard abs,cardio and legs from HSTA and floor legs from a non-cathe tape. I also did a cool down from L&Gs. That is the most exercise I have done in a while! I am trying to get in the zone again. I was hoping my new Amy Bento and jari love workouts were coming today! But it didn't. Boo-hoo!

So how is everyone today? I bet you ladies are out there doing some heavy duty shopping! Dh wanted me to go buy her a bathing suit today but I was feeling like a ragdoll.

Gotta cook supper now, but hope some of you will check in!

Shrinking Violets Check-in

This will be a short update because I do not feel good tonight. I am coming out of denial and admitting that I am under the weather again. I woke up with a tickle in my throat Wednesday morning. I have been sneezing like crazy all week. I woke up around 3:00 a.m. with a cough. I could not get back to sleep because my wild neighbors were having a party again.

I did not have enough energy for the Kick Max blast challenge, so I did the low impact premix for a gentle workout. This premix skips the interval blast segment. The intensity was perfect for today because it did not cause me to get too hot. I love the leg conditioning drills. I feel like I am in a ballet class when I do those, and they are much more enjoyable than floor leg exercises. I wrapped up my workout with the first segment of Core Max. Tomorrow is my planned rest day. I may enjoy Stretch Max if I have enough energy to move.

I found another pair of the Reebok cross training shoes that I love at Academy this afternoon. I went to HEB on the way home and bought some Halls Max for my cough. Halls Max cough drops are made in New Jersey. Hopefully, they are as powerful and effective as the other Maxes that are created in New Jersey! Other than the quick trip to Academy and HEB, I rested today. I am hoping to feel better in the morning. This is a new month, and this is not the way I wanted it to start. I am feeling a little discouraged tonight, but I will keep pressing on. I bought some more Emer’gen-C too. Hopefully, it will work for me again.

Rebounding is supposed to be good for the immune system, so I am planning to do a few minutes of gentle bouncing before I call it a day. By the grace of God, I will feel better tomorrow. I would like to feel good enough to attend the worship service, and I need to do my grocery shopping for the week because I was too tired to deal with that today.

Heather B.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).

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