Shrinking Violets Check-in for Friday September 1, 2006


Good morning, Violets! Welcome to September! With a new season on the horizon, I have been doing some pondering. I am definitely stronger than I was 8 months ago. My endurance has greatly improved. I have accomplished far more than I dared to dream. But I am still wearing the same size I was wearing on New Year’s Day, and I am determined to celebrate the arrival of 2007 from a place of victory. It is not too late. I do not have to coast through the rest of this year. I have conquered binge eating. I have conquered cardio boot camp. It is time for me to conquer obesity. Four months is not enough time to realistically reach my ultimate goal, but I can see an awesome transformation in that time. I know what to do. Every time I look at Cathe’s blog and those Nike outfits that I adore, I am reminded that I just need to do it! Cute workout outfits can be my reward next summer! With a determined focus, I can reach my goal by the 4th of July.

I am convinced that I am on the right path. I need to keep walking by faith and keep believing without a doubt that I can do this. I am determined to redeem this year for glory. Thanksgiving is 12 weeks away. It is time for a pre-holiday blast. I am ready. I am serving an eviction notice on fat and clutter and looking forward to a great adventure. Join me if you dare!

I challenged myself to do my friend’s cardio boot camp class again Wednesday night. The format was different this time. We did endless dips on the step and every kind of lunge and walking lunge under the sun. The cardio was a little less challenging, but it was harder in other ways. Overall, the class was a little easier the second time because I knew I could do it. The physical hurdles are a lot easier to conquer than the mental ones. A new girl in the class who is very tiny told me what a great job I did. She was amazed that I got through that class. The regulars are not surprised. They know what I am capable of when I am on top of my game. I was tired and less energetic after a stressful day at work. I only stayed for the cardio portion of class then gently jogged in the pool for another 30 minutes. The pool was so relaxing after a stressful day at work and a tough workout.

Yesterday was a rest day. I am planning to finish previewing the Hardcore Series this weekend, commit to my next 3-week rotation, learn the choreography for IMAX3 and Low Max, clean and organize my workout area and my refrigerator, plan new menus, and fill my refrigerator with foods that bless my body and fuel my workouts.

I am still checking Cathe’s blog like crazy and anxiously awaiting Drill Max details! I have great plans for this workout, but I need to make sure it is what I am hoping it is! I cannot get over how beautiful Cathe is in these pictures. She has been refined by fire this past year, and it shows. Good things come to those who wait, and I believe the workouts we receive will be much better than what would have been produced a year ago if they had been filmed as planned.

Have a blessed weekend!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Good morning violets!!

heather- i must say i truly love reading your posts. you are such a wonderful, positive person!

this morning i went to the gym and did a 4 mile run. i am so happy with myself i actually ran for 45 minutes straight. this is a first for me. i felt like i could have gone on but it was time for me to shower and get to work. i just can't believe how much my endurance has built up. i am not a natural runner.

this evening me and dh are going to a comedy show to see chris tucker. I am so happy as we don't get out much with two little ones;) .

wendy-are you ready for the big race:D :D

hello to all that follow...meg, jean, & kali!!
Hey girls,

Well due to this tropical storm my computer hasn't been working since Wednesday night!Grrrrr! that makes me mad! But everything has gone now and I think it is in Virginia now. We just got some rain and some gusty wind. We were lucky compared to the coast!

Here are my workouts since I have been absent:

Wed-step w/u to bodymax,3 intervals in lowmax and then did the blasts only. I was very bored and undecided that night so I was doing different ones.

Thur-PSlegs(floorwork) and abs from a crunch fitness dvd.

Fri-unplanned rest day. Very tired tonight so I will start in the morning.

Tomorrow I plan on doing triceps and some jogging. DH and I will go to the park and jogg. I haven't jogged in a while! I will probably trip over my feet!haha! I will be very happy if I can do 2 miles with a walk/jogg mix. Cross your fingers!

Hey kali,wendy,SD,jean,heather,Maeghan and to anyone I've missed!

It's good to be back in computer land!!


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