Shrinking Violets (Challengers) Thursday 7/20


Good Morning Girlies!:)

Well today ends the Challenge for me and I got next to no where thanks to vacation! UGH! x(

As of 6/20, the day before I left on vacation, I was down 3 pounds and had lost 2.2% body fat! I had also lost a bit in my measurements as well.

As of today I am now only down 1 pound and 1% body fat from the beginning. My measurements stayed the same except for my waist which is back up a bit! x( BLARGH! x( x( x(

I am not going to bother taking pics cause it's simply not worth the trouble....

I know alot of you have been complaining of seeing very little results for one reason or another, I would like to suggest another challenge starting soon. An EATING CLEAN challenge cause that is where MY problem lies. I CAN be very good but since vacation I just haven't been in control. :-( I need motivation and help, ladies. What do ya say? I'm going to start posting my food here again tomorrow. Anyone with me? :)

Edited to Add:
I am hittin' the road for a morning run knee feels pretty good. I hope it stays that way!:)
Good morning Wendy. Sounds like your results were the same as mine, 1 lb, 1% not really any change in measurements. Since last week I'm am up another lb which means I am right back to where I started. I agree I need to clean up the eating. I'm embarrassed to post my eating so if I agree to this new challenge maybe it will make me more accountable. I have a family reunion this weekend so I will think about it this weekend and possibly join you on Monday.

This morning I did manage to get up and went outside for a 3 mile jog. And the only reason I did was because I posted last night that I would. I had to stay accountable to all of you, right? It was very slow, not even a 15 min mile average and my body ached until I got past 1.5. but I kept going. I keep wondering if it every gets easier. Maybe, I'm not meant to be a runner, but at least I can do my slow burn of calories by jogging. It was 81 degrees so it wasn't as bad I thought it would be compared to last night's temperature. Hope everyone has a great day.

Hi there Jean!

Monday it is then! I'm holdin' ya to it!;)

I started running in March so I am pretty new to it as well. When I first started I couldn't even run or jog a mile steady on a TM let alone outdoors!! I built up my endurance little by little though and am proud to say that I can now have run as much as 4 miles on the TM and 3 miles on the road! It DOES get easier! You have to be patient and persistent though. :)

So I am back from my run. My knee was "acting funny" at first so I had to stop a couple time quickly but after that it seemed to be OKAY. It felt a bit wierd but didn't hurt.

I completed 2 miles in 23.32 minutes. I am learning that I have to keep my outdoor runs at a slower pace if I want to log the mileage. If I try to run as fast as I do on the TM then I can't make it as far....

Well, I just finished my breakfast and now must hit the showers. Gotta be out the door in an hour! Going to visit my sister for the day with my mom and my son!

I won't be back until this evening...I'll try to catch up then!:)
Hey Wendy! So this is a 12 week challenge thread? I am soooo interested to joining. I am up for the clean eating thing too. I would join you in logging food and such. Are you starting over as of tomorrow? ANy details of what you guys do would be great! Thanks guys!

Maeghan AKA megadoo[/img] [/url]
Hey Guys!

I'm here FINALLY! Got my knee xrayed this morning. Hope to hear by tomorrow what's up with it. Mine feels "funny" too today Wendy. I'm supposed to do L&G's and Coremax 3. I have to go get my hair colored in a few minutes so if it feels ok when I get back I'll do it then. Probably with only my 5 lb. weights tho.

I am SO up for a clean eating challenge. I've been doing great for almost 2 weeks now except for the weekend of course, but I'd like to change that.

Hey Jean! Hope you have a better run next time. I think staying accountable will keep us all in better line.

Hi Maeghan! Great to have you here. The more the merrier!

Will check back with y'all later!

Wendy, I said I'd think about it. LOL

I have such a sweet tooth and a salty tooth and a crunchy tooth and a etc. etc. etc. that my food posts might embarrass me. On the other hand if I can discipline myself to eat the right foods so I won't be embarrassed than it is a win, win situation. Weight should come off, I'll be healthier and you guys won't have to hear me whine. I looked at my wedding pictures this week and wish I could be that small again. Of course that was 23 years ago so I don't really think that is realistic, but I sure would like to get close. I have a class reunion in 2 months maybe that will give me some motivation too.

Hi Challengers!

Well, I am starting a new 12 week period that cooresponds with The Elite Physique's summer Meltdown which runs from July 24th through the beginning of October. I am not formally entered but rather I am following the structured time frame. I have been trying to get one clean day of eating under my belt. Literally, one day at a time. Because let's face it ladies...the working out is the fun part. It's the nutritional lifestyle that is a continuous challenge with all that life brings!

I noticed that Jean and Wendy are somewhat new runners. I commend you both! I have been running regularly my adult life but where I used to run a 9:30 mile I am easily a 11:00 mile jogger now. But I think it's great. There's nothing like running outdoors to solve your problems and the calorie burn is even higher than Imax 3!

Today's workout for me was an easy day, Core Max 3. I tend to "overtrain" so I am trying to take a day every now and then dedicated to abs.

Still working on my exercise plan for the next few weeks. But so far today, I am clean!

Check in later....

hello violets (since the challenge is over),

this morning i did my own upper body workout. i had a blast!! i have doms in my legs from yesterday.

my results from this challenge were dismissal as well. i am so sad. ah well, i have noone to blame (not even a vacation:p )but myself.
i didn't stick to my clean eating plan. that said i should join your challenge but i don't know if i can muster up the will power right now. i will think about it over the weekend and let you know on monday morning.

sue-can you tell us more about your new challenge?

jean- good for you for keeping up with your running. i think we share the same tooth:D

kali- got my fingers crossed about your knee.

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