Shrinking Violets 8/30 Hump Day

Happy Hump Day Wendy!

Getting excited huh?? :7:7 Have a good run!

I'm going to do Stepworks today and lower body, don't know from what yet tho. Maybe Kickmax drills.

Boys are all ready for school. Pics are taken just waiting to go. They're excited so I'm happy about that.

Be back later! Hello SD, Jean, Heather, Violet, Kim and Meggy! Sorry if I missed anyone!

Kali- I want to see pics!!

Wendy- have fun running

I am doing L&G and some cardio. Kinda weird this morning- I didn't feel like eating when I got up. I usually devour something right away. I think it is because I had some cereal late last night.
I have just had 1/2 of a WG bagel and PB/sugarfree jam.

Good morning to Jean, SD, Heather, Violet, and Kim!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
hey ladies,

i did HSC this morning. of course you all know by now this is one of my favorite workouts.

kali-we want pics!! LOL

wendy-sounds like a good plan. love my tm runs!

meg-l& g and go girl.

hello to all that follow. i will try to check in again later.
Shrinking Violets Check-in

Good afternoon, Violets! I came home for my lunch hour to take a break from the office. It is a zoo today with people showing up without appointments.

I keep checking the blog. I need a blog fix! I am anxiously waiting for Drill Max news. Am I the only Cathe blog addict here? I never imagined that I would be so excited about workout DVDs of all things. Wonders never cease.

I am packing my workout bag for the club. I will either attempt my friend’s cardio boot camp class again or jog in the pool and do Aquajock’s drills.

See you tonight!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Hi everyone. This morning I decided since I haven't done step in awhile that I should just jump right in there and do HCE. I think I was feeling a little more ambitious than my body was prepared for. My slacking off these last couple of weeks has really decreased my endurance. I had to stop and rest in the middle of it and I put my HRM on pause and then forgot to start it up again, so I have no idea how calories were burned. Hate it when I have days like that. I may go to spin class tonight. Not sure, though, because I really like it, but it kills my wrists. I even had a dream that my hands fell off after one of the classes. I wonder if I can tape my wrists, like you tape ankles for sports? With my luck I would tape it up too tight and then they really would fall off.

Hope everyone has a great day.

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hey Wendy,Kali,Maeghan,SD,Jean and Heather!

I am late posting today cause I have been pooped from working and driving in all this crazy rain we're having! It is horrible driving in rain that looks like a white sheet coming down!

Today i have planned Powermax but have been thinking of doing Bodymax. I haven't done that one in forever! So I think I will give that one a whirl! I can be so indecisive sometimes!:p

I am going to get this workout over and then eat some grub! I will checkin later and chat with you gals!:)

Let’s try this again. I had a nice list of personals all type in and then my computer locked up. Let’s see if I can remember.

And once I got it all retyped I posted in on Tuesday's checkin. I'm not doing well tonight with the computer.

Wendy, how the race training coming. Your Pizza and dancing date sounds like a great way to celebrate. It’s pretty sad that I live in TX and I’ve never been country western dancing.LOL

Kim, is all the rain coming from Ernesto? We had rain on Monday and we were so excited. It cooled things off. Yesterday it was 89 and I thought I would have to pull out a sweater.LOL.

Sunnydelite, I have Gilad’s Quick Fit DVD set. I use to use it often then I found Cathe. When I’m in pinch for time, I sometimes remember that I have them. The weight segments are about 20 min but they feel like they still gave you a good work out.

Maeghan, L&G always makes sore the next day. Good luck.

Heather, I love checking the blog too. They look so amazing. I can hardly wait for the DVD’s. I even checked out the oufit sites, thinking that maybe I would reward myself. Of course I haven’t done antything lately to reward myself for. I couldn’t find any of them, but then I read on the open forum that some were made specifically for Cathe and Crew and the others aren’t in stock yet.

Kali, glad you survived the tests. Now if you and your doctor can just find something to help relieve the pain, since it appears to be nothing major (thankfully). Like you said, maybe it just over worked or maybe like a sprain or strain. As for Gilad, I worked out to him years ago when the show was called Bodies N Motion. In Hawaii, the gym he is affilitated with used to have morning workouts on the beach open to the public. I worked out there one time while on vacation (14 years ago). Gilad wasn’t there but it was pretty cool to see where they filmed it. Too bad I didn't keep working out all these years. I would be in great shape.

Hello to everyone else out there. Hope Karen, Kathy, Violet, Gloria and anyone else I missed are all doing well.

Did my WO- L&G and Tm for 25 min.
Eating alright today, although I had some baked lays chips blah!!!

JEan-sorry for your computer troubles. Get yourself some of those outfits, you deserve it. I would love them, but as I always say, I have to win the lottery first.

Wendy- how excited are you??}(

Kali- how is the hip feeling? How was school for the kiddies?

Heather- you are so funny and cute about the blog!! Keep it up!

SD- is your DH still WO with you? Wish mine would!

Kim- where do you live? Was it Earnesto? I haven't been paying much attentionto the news lately.

Where is everyone else??

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]

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