Sheila-What makes some mothers more sensitive to morning sickness?


I'm at 17 weeks and still experiencing sickness every day. I know of many women that have never had one moment's worth of sickness during pregnancy, and of course, those in between.

Are there differences in hormone levels, a woman's sensitivity to hormones, or some unknown factor that has yet to be pin pointed?

And, are there any general characteristics among women that have more severe morning sickness?

Thanks for any insight!:)
I'd be curious to know this too. I had 8 weeks of horrible morning sickness. I really feel for you still having problems at 17 weeks. When I look at my friends, some of whom had terrible morning sickness but most of whom did not, I can not find any commonalities - fitness level, size, eating habits, etc. Thanks for asking this question...

due 1/22/04
During my second pregnancy I experienced morning sickness and found that it was from the iron in my prenatal vitamins. My midwife changed my prescription for the first trimester and I instantly felt better!

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