Sept rotation check in


Good morning ladies,
Did everyone have a good week? My week went pretty good.I decided to take friday as my day off, instead of today.Then I went for my run yesterday and had intentions of doing PH in the afternoon sometime.That way I would catch up! Then I could do Boot Camp today.BUT the lady I went running with came over after to pick up her daughter.(my husband watched both children so we could go running)And she stayed for 2 1/2 hours.She didn't want to leave.I am thinking that she probably doesn't have alot of friends around anymore and she wants to chat to someone.So, needless to say, I didn't do PH yesterday.
My plan for today is to run and in the evening I might do Boot Camp.This week I want to also concentrate on preparing my meals for the next day, or atleast decide the night before what I will eat tomorrow.I think that I can have a bit more control over my sweet tooth if I didn't let myself get to hungry.
How did everyone elses week go?
Hi Lori

I am fairly new to the site, but I think all you ladies are awesome!!! It's nice to be able to have some contact with women who work out alot!!

My week was good with the exercise, I did my six days.. But I still had ice cream pretty much every night and too much of my sons smores cereal, that stuff is pretty good!!!!
Any way I will definitely try harder this week!!
Hope everyone has a good one
Darlene T
I did BC yesterday. I took an unscheduled rest day on Friday so I hope to do something aerobic today. Yesterday I had to quit halfway through BC and rest for 10 minutes. I never had to do that before although BC is always challenging. MIC has not arrived yet. I know it will come sometime this week so I hope to replace some of the Imax workouts with MIC this week. Also I will do MIS on Monday in hopes that I can do MIC on Tuesday if it arrives in time. If not I will do one of the Imax workouts. Welcome Darlene! I hope you guys have a great week!:7
Week one of the September rotation was good for me. I got the new Firm BBS 2 and substituted some of those workouts. The Total Body Sculpt plus Abs was not very challenging so I did Muscle Endurance (don't have Power Hour yet) on Saturday instead of what was listed. I also did Maximum Cardio Burn on Friday and enjoyed the workout quite a bit. It was nice to do the cardio in smaller segments so boredom was never an issue. Food wise did pretty well with the exception of today where I have indulged in both a candy bar and ice cream. Better eating starts tonight with curry chicken veggie stir fry!

Next week looks hard. Doing MIS twice in one week plus Leaner Legs seems a bit evil}( . Hopefully it will all go well. At least my endurance for weights has come back somewhat. I died on Tuesday with Muscle Endurance after having done the August rotation which had no endurance workouts in it.

Hope everyone has a good week.
I just finished doing MIS. It is hard for me not to do anything aerobic, but I know I need to get out of the mindset that I have to do something aerobic everyday, especially with the intensity of the aerobics in this rotation. MIS was a good workout today. I don't care for the abs though and will replace them next time with BC core only premix, ME, or C&W ab work. Have a good one!:p
Hi Lori! Sounds like you had a good week overall. I must say this rotation is kicking my butt!! Big time!! :7 I take Friday's off too & did Bootcamp on Sat. & then did MIS yesterday. Ugh! That was hard but in a good way you know what I mean? I'm not relishing doing IMAX 1 & 2 tonite I'm tired but will dig down someplace deep & do it. I'm not, however, planning on doing Leaner Legs as I think doing MIS 2x a week is sufficient for my legs so I'll be taking Thurs. off as well. Hope I survive tonite!! Kathy;-)
I did MIS today. My MIC tape came today and I am previewing it now. I will attempt MIC tomorrow! I'll come back and let you all know if I lived through it! I really am enjoying the September rotation!

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