Sciatic pain, ouch!



Hi, I'm new to the Fitmoms forum (not the other ones though, I've actually been here for over a year, I just rarely post!). I'm 25 weeks now and I've been experiencing some sciatic nerve pain starting a few weeks ago. It started out as just an annoying twinge in the right butt (I know, that sounds weird!
), but now I feel it almost all the time and it almost makes me limp sometimes! Has anyone else experienced this? What do you do for it? I've read that icing the area, massaging it and sleeping on the opposite side can help, but it doesn't seem to much. I also try to stay active and not be in any one position for too long, like sitting or standing. I'm feeling it a lot now when I exercise, too. Any other ideas? Thanks for any information, I've been reading this forum ever since I found out I was pregnant and there has been so much good advice!



I am at the same point in my pregnancy, and I am experiencing the same pain. It's been pretty bad the last week or so, and I have to limp a lot and really slow down my pace walking. It also is hard for me to move sideways. I went to the doctor yesterday for a regular check-up, and she said that I should try a heating pad. If that doesn't work, she said Tylenol is okay, but I'd like to avoid that. Last night I tried to stay sleeping on my left side, and today isn't as bad. I also try not to stay in one position for too long. I didn't workout other than walking last week cause the pain was so bad, but I did walk a lot, just a little slower than my regular pace, which was pretty quick. I'm going to try to do an easier video tomorrow and see how that goes.

Hope this helps,
Sciatic nerve pain

Hi Marjorie,

Here are some exerpts from our "Healthy Moms Perinatal Fitness Instructor Training Manual" that you might find helpful.

"The sciatic nerve may cause discomfort during pregnancy. This nerve exits the spinal column just above the sacrum and runs along the sacroiliac (SI) joint. It may become impinged in the SI joint or under the pyriformis muscle that runs from the sacrum to the femur. Clients may describe sciatic nerve discomfort as a “catch in the buttocks” or a “shooting pain that originates in the buttocks and goes down the back of the leg.”

"Sciatic nerve pain is characterized as a sharp or dull pain in the buttocks that may run down the back of the thigh and leg to the ankle. It is thought to be caused by the pregnant uterus pressing on the sciatic nerve roots as they exit the spine. Mom has two sciatic nerves that run from her lower back down her legs to her feet. Exercise will not alleviate or minimize sciatic nerve pain. Mom may experience some symptom relief if her baby changes position. Care should be taken to avoid any leg exercises that put the nerve on stretch such as knee lifts and mid to high range straight leg kicks."

Hip AB and AD-duction modifications and tips for pregnancy:

· Abductor strength is necessary to support the pelvic joints
· Abduction greater than 45 degrees may strain the round ligaments, bother the low back and/or aggravate the sciatic nerve
· Adductor strength is needed for the “pushing stage” of labor
· Supine adductor work should be modified after the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

As you can see from the above bullet points, watch your abduction exercises and keep it less than 45 degrees.

Hope this helps. Keep us posted.

Thanks, Alison and Sheila!

Thanks for the info and advice. I do find that when I have the sciatic pain, I need to avoid leg exercises like lunges. That really aggravates it. For some reason, the pain has eased now. I'm not sure what changed, maybe my baby have moved or turned. The pain seems to go in phases. I had mild sciatic pain from weeks 8-11, then it went away completely, then it came back for weeks 23-26, and now it's almost completely gone again. Interesting. Any insight on that? Again, thanks so much for your info!

Not much insight, but...

My pain has completely gone away too, and I'm quite happy about that. It stopped just as I started week 26. I hope yours stays away too Marjorie! I read that the baby shifting can make it go away, so maybe that's it.


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