save old fitness mags or toss them?


Active Member
Does anyone save thier fitness, fashion and beauty magazines? I have so many all around the house and in boxes and they take up some room. I'm trying to decide if I should throw them out or if I'll actually need them one day. Some have workouts or recipes in them or a celeb on the cover I like. Anyone else save them all or do you all throw them out after you read them?
I don't get fitness magazines, but I'm a decorating magazine junkie. If the issue has a LOT in it that I want to reference, I keep the whole thing. Otherwise, I tear out what I want to keep, and keep it in a binder or nice storage box, and recycle the rest.
I keep several months worth but once they start to pile up TOO high, I toss them and start over....:)

Old mags are good bathroom reading ;) lol


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
I toss them. Or recycle them actually. I hate all that clutter and I never actually go back to refer to them
I may need to take your advice Donna. I actually keep them and put them in a small bookcase in my bedroom. Once they stack up so high next to my bed, I recycle the ones in my bookcase and move the stack from next to the bed into the bookcase. Since you mentioned it, I don't usually go back to refer to them either.

Why don't you take them to your local hospital? Or rehab center? People there might be able to get some use from them.
We send all of our magazines fittness, sports, news etc. to my husbands office. They go in the waiting area for patients to read. The only ones I don't send are Cigar Afficinado and Wine Spectator. It wouldn't be a good idea to read Cigar Afficinado in a cardiologists office. LOL

AKA "Likes2bfit"
One rainy Saturday afternoon go through them and rip out the articles that interest you. make them into a Fitness File to keep. RECYCLE (not toss) the rest.

Clare :7
I only keep certain magazines. I usually keep Oxygen and I used to keep old issues of M&F Hers. (I toss the newer ones if I buy them.) I also get Self and Shape but I usually recycle those. I've got a pretty big pile of magazines that I keep intending to go through and rip out pages but I never find the time.
When the magazines begin to pile up, I go through each one and decide if there is anything I want to keep. If there is, I rip it out and put it in a folder.
I used to save them, too. Then it became too much to handle. Now upon finishing reading, I immediately page through real quick to see if there is anything I want to save and I rip it out, or I rip it as I am going. The recipes go in a recipe binder; workout stuff goes in a workout binder; the magazine goes in the recycle bin. I find if I do it all right away, I don't lose control of it. Otherwise, I would have mags everwhere. Of course, eventually you may have to clean out the binders, but that is certainly a less daunting task.
I don't buy fashion and beauty magazines, but I read a lot of fitness mags.
I have been known to dog-ear many pages for "future reference," then have the magazine get lost in too much clutter. then I tried tearing out the pages that interest me and keeping them. Sure cuts down on the amount of paper around! Then I recycle the magazines themselves.

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