Saturday Woohoo!!!!!...........XERS!!!!


Good morning everyone. I am groggily(is that a word?) sitting here typing this. It is 3:30am (I woke up at 3), and I just wanted to drop in and say HEY!!! before I leave for my adventure today. I think I need like 10 more cups of coffee though.

Everyone have a fabulous workout and enjoy your day!!!


Oh, I almost forgot. CONGRATULATIONS TO LAURIE, SANDRA AND JEANETTE!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DID IT!!!!!!!! I am so proud of you guys. Now go get a Krispy Kreme (NOT!!!;-) ). I hope I didn't forget anyone....that would be bad.
Hey, gals! I read everyone’s posts last night and looks like everyone’s doing wonderfully! Congratulations to Laurie, Sandra, and Jeanette for graduating this weekend! Awesome job and what an accomplishment, huh? I’ve sort of fallen off the wagon, again, due to too many activities going on. My other DS had a wrestling meet last night and we got home so late that I just pretty much dropped into my comfy bed. OK, it’s Core Syn. today, no matter what! (gritting teeth) I totally feeling back to myself, but why can’t I get this body to the basement and workout?

Traci-X - DS #1 is in 8th grade, and DS #2 is in 2nd grade. Both are into wrestling, and I understand nothing about this sport. I’m always asking my DH, “Is that good? Is he winning? What does that mean?” I basically know, when my son is on the bottom, it’s bad, and when he’s on the top, it’s usually good. Have a blast at the bay, and get some much needed relaxation. The place sounds so quaint and relaxing! I hope it’s beautiful weather for you this weekend! BTW, does Billy Blanks do that Ab Bootcamp? Is it cardio, too? Could it be modified and made shorter to be put in place of ARX? I’m on this feverish search for anything that can match ARX! It definitely works wonders, but I’m getting so bored with it!

Sandra - I know about that recovery week feeling. Just makes you want to pop in ARX, doesn’t it? However, I really enjoyed it, too, because I really needed the break from the weights and some time for my body to repair itself. Let us know what you plan on doing next week! OMG, Creative Core Abs? I have GOT to check that one out! Let us know if you get it, and what it’s like.

Laurie - I’m with Traci-X! You have the most interesting life! I’ve always heard of those murder mystery birthday parties, but never been to one. Sounds like so much fun! Did you get your workout in?

Jeanette - Interesting that the towel hopping isn’t in the book. Actually, I wish it wasn’t in Core Syn. (LOL)
I am usually gasping for breath, glaring at the timer, waiting for those final 20 seconds to tick off. Who knew 20 seconds could be so long? It’s so impressive what your DH has been able to accomplish these past weeks, and that you’ve shared it with us. You’ve given me hope for my own DH. I think P90X was too much for him. We don’t have a Bowflex, but maybe I could get the P90 Series or Masters Series. Did you start DH out with one of those?

Lea - Oh, my, you ARE up early today! Thanks for checking in quickly before you're on your way. I'm sure you'll have a blast - let us all know how you did when you have time! I’m right there with you on the PMS thing. I got so upset today about a co-worker’s insensitive comment yesterday that I went to my classroom and ate by myself. Fortunately, a good friend helped me get past it. I think I’m a little overly emotional this time of the month. Actually, my elbows are still sore, even though they’ve had several days to recuperate. Not sure if I should take more time off, or just lighten up on the weights. Have you been doing some modified push-ups for yours?

Debra - I’m so glad you posted what you learned by doing P90X! I agree with most of them, too! What a cool idea to reflect on what this experience has taught you. I especially agree with the yoga, less cardio, and the recovery week. Those are what I have learned most about during this experience, too. I definitely have plans to do more weight work, less cardio, and include yoga once a week after I’m done (if I get done) with the X.

Tracy - Boy, I admire you for coming up with those exercises and doing them. I think for me to workout, I have to have the instructor, the music, the set, the lights, the whole nine yards. Well, that can be my next goal. I’ll be you can really focus on the body part being worked. You’re always coming up with creative workouts to do!

Well, off to yet another wrestling meet. DS #1 will be done after today, so hopefully we’ll have a little breathing room before track starts, and then baseball. I’m holding myself accountable for doing Core Syn. today, so I refuse to check back in until I can report that I’ve actually done it. Hope everyone has a terrific Saturday!

Good morning ladies,

Classic/Phase 3/Week 5/Day 6 Recovery Week

This was it, the last day of workouts. Tomorrow is a bike ride and very much looking forward to it. Today I did Bryan Kest's Intensive Body Sculpting. This one cooks your legs good. I find this one to be tougher than any in his 3 DVD collection of Power Yoga for some reason.

Today DH and I are going to Reno, NV and will be looking at new wood stoves. The current one is about 30 years old and not as efficient as it could be. Time to update.

Steph, enjoy the wrestling. My son used to wrestle and we enjoyed watching. Not sure on the points thing, takedown, reversal, all that stuff. Know you will get Core Syn in today, even the towel hopping.

Lea, have a fabulous day today! I'll be thinking of you and waiting to hear how it all went.

Must go,


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